Your last chance -- 10-Week Mindset Makeover goes into retirement at midnight

Published: Fri, 10/23/15

, as you know, I am retiring the 10-Week Mindset Makeover course tonight. Today is the last day you can enroll.
Grab your spot here.
Earlier this week, I asked women to share with me their own mental transformations, as spurred along by the Mindset Makeover education, and wow, I was blown away by the responses. Check out some of them below.
I think talking about “mindset” can feel esoteric and intangible. Like, what are the actual outcomes? How are we actually better?

It’s not nearly as easy to talk about as a fitness plan (“Get stronger in 30 days!”) or a nutrition program (“Lose 10 inches in 12 weeks!”) – with mindset, the results aren’t as self-evident, but I would also argue that they are the results that matter the most.

Think about it.

Your mindset is simply your perception of the world. It’s how you choose to see life and the circumstances around you. And yes, that is a choice.

Many people don’t think it is, though. They think life happens to them. They make blanket statements like, “It is what it is,” and “Life sucks and then you die,” and “That’s just my luck!” and “It figures,” and “Of course this would happen to me.” It’s as if the expectation is that the world is out to get them, and all one can hope for is just to strap in, play defense and try to survive the big bad world.

What a depressing perspective.

How does hanging on the idea that everything sucks and life just happens to you, serve us at all? It’s defeating, uninspiring and frankly, a lie.

Byron Katie says, “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.”

In other words, we are always at the helm of out responses and perception. And our perception is our greatest weapon. It can improve our outcomes and make us feel inspired and give us meaning. Or it can depress the hell out of us.

We can choose to take what happens and use it to learn, grow, get better and hone an optimalist mindset.

Positive psychology researcher Shawn Achor says we are not happy because we’re successful, we’re successful because we are happy. In other words, the mindset comes before the outcomes. And how you think about your situation influences how you choose to act and even what shows up in your world.

Your mindset is your greatest tool.

And it’s a choice in every moment.

You can choose self-compassion or you can choose self-disgust.

You can choose empathy and giving people the benefit of the doubt, or you can choose to see people as innately malicious and out to screw you.

You can choose to see the world as full of awesome lessons put in your path to make you stronger, or you can see the world as a place where everything bad happens, to you specifically.

You can choose to speak to yourself kindly, or you can choose to try to continue to make self-beratement and guilt and shame work for you.

Some choices are harder than others. But it’s the hardest choices that become the most rewarding. Once you start down the path toward personal development and self-realization, you can’t ever go back to being asleep to your own inner victim.

It’s the best.

I want you to join the thousands of other women who have gone through the 10-Week Mindset Makeover course. It’s a complete game-changer.

ENROLL HERE. It starts right away.

Let me know if you have any questions! The program goes into retirement tonight at midnight.
