new suuuper simple at-home workout for you (+ 9 more)

Published: Fri, 10/30/15

, a couple things today:

First, I want to let you know that I attached a new super simple at-home workout to this email for you. Just bring it up on your tablet or phone and follow along. You can also find the video here.

Next, I want to make sure you have a chance to grab Concita’s awesome nutrition and training solution, Get In the Game, which CLOSES TONIGHT. It’s for those who need to get some quick wins, and want to stop having to start over every single week.

We know the extremes don’t work, and Concita’s program is chock full of super simple and DOABLE workouts (9 video workouts!, to be exact), plus nutrition tools and mindset insights that help you feel accomplished and motivated to keep going. You can get all the details here.

Lastly, I want to tell you why simplicity will always beat sophistication when it comes to effective exercise.

Several years ago, I bought a fitness book that had just come out. It was about weight training for women, and while I enjoyed the information, science and philosophy, when I reached “The Exercises” part of the book, I wanted to give up.

The exercise index (with photos) was actually HALF OF THE BOOK. The whole second half of the book was exercise photos, descriptions and in-depth barbell complexes and moves I have never seen nor heard of before.

It felt super overwhelming.

So, not only did I have to familiarize myself with the new movements, but I then had to go back to the written-out workouts and FIND each one of those movements to string together myself.


The whole process took me close to an hour to even just PREP for the workout, never mind do it.

See, this is where the curse of knowledge comes in.

When we start going down the exercise rabbit hole, we start to think that the more involved the workout is, the better. We think intricacy equals intensity or more effective. It’s as if we only feel like a workout is valuable if it has a million moving parts that all look super freaking hard.

Not the truth though.

Last August when I ran the #20x20Challenge on Instagram, one of the things I heard the most from participants was that they loved how the workouts could be done anywhere, and that they were simple. Often using only dumbbells or body weight.

Can things like snatches, power cleans and overhead squats be effective? Sure are, but not when the barrier of entry is super high for most people. Or the thoughts of having to do those movements to get results keeps us frustrated and overwhelmed.

I think sometimes we make this stuff more complicated than it needs to be.

The most effective and toughest workouts are also sometimes the most deceptively simple. How many times have you looked at a workout and thought, “Huh, that doesn’t look too bad,” only to get your ass kicked? Me! Ha!

Simple workouts are also some of the most psychologically satisfying because it’s only a couple of common movements, arranged in a circuit or straight sets. If you are using challenging weight and recruiting more muscle groups, the workout effectiveness will be high, regardless of the sophistication of the program.

And so, check out the workout I attached for you. Try it and report back.

Yes, it’s only 10 minutes, but it is intense, effective and short enough that you will actually do it. Unlike me, after stringing together that first and only (!) workout I did from that training book!

I love short intense workouts because they make me feel accomplished. I don’t need any more. I love getting to the gym, checking in at the front desk, only to leave 20 minutes later and the front desk staff say, “That’s it?” as I am walking out the door. Yep, byyyyeeee! I take pride in the efficiency of it.

This is also the reason I love the NINE VIDEO WORKOUTS Concita included in the Get In the Game program. They are video based so you can easily check in on form, and they are fast, effective and leave you feeling accomplished and motivated to take on more. Not completely defeated and discouraged.

Get your copy of the Get In the Game system—which includes all the workouts, plus nutrition coaching and mindset work—by midnight tonight. It’s a solid program that you can follow for up to 12 weeks to feel accomplished again. Best of all, Concita TEACHES YOU HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF so you don’t need program after program (no thanks!).

Let me know if you have any questions and good luck! Let me know how you do!
