you can have one or the other, but not both of these

Published: Tue, 12/29/15

Hey , 

As you know, my new free training for January, #AntiFragile2016 is getting ready to begin in Jan 5th. If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to do that here. Over 1200 women have already enrolled. Super excited for a transformational few weeks!

Today I want to talk about fat loss, body change and your mindset.

A few years ago, I stopped talking about weight loss all the time. Which was a bit disorienting at first considering I’d focused on it for the entirety of my professional (and personal) career. Clients came to me wanting to lose weight, or I'd be training for a figure competition, so I needed to lose weight, and seemingly everything I read online was touting the latest strategies to lose weight.

But here’s the problem. If you are anything like I was years ago, your constant goal, all the time, every day of the year was “lose weight.” No thought to anything else.

But how effective is a goal that is never-ending? How impactful? How urgent? How meaningful?

When your default response to, why are you exercising? or why are you trying to eat better? is, “to lose weight,” haven’t you, on some level, missed the point?

“Lose weight” cannot be your goal for life.

Last week, I was talking to a girlfriend of mine who is going on vacation in February, and she said, “I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds before then.” And I immediately thought to myself, Gee, I think I actually love my way of doing things too much to be even interested in doing anything different.

This was a huge record-scratch moment for me, because I realized that I had truly embraced the lifestyle of consistency and process. I’d chosen it consistently over the last few years, having given up trying to be perfect, only to feel deprived, anxious and eventually overindulge.

Because the reality is that you can be perfect or you can be consistent. But you can’t be both. And being a little less perfect allows you to be a little more consistent.

Which can you live with?
Which will make you feel best?
Which will help you feel excited about your eating and exercise and not like it’s miserable?

So back to weight loss. Just saying, “I need to lose 10 pounds,” every day of your life is probably the least helpful thing you can do. “Lose weight” cannot be your forever-goal.

At some point, you have to create a process that you love, a sustainable way of eating and exercising that you actually enjoy. You have to fall in love with the journey. And then, and only then, do you have a chance at achieving sustainable weight loss, as a by-product!

Think about it. The faster the weight comes off, the faster it goes back on (and often more). And if you choose perfection, I guarantee at some point, you’ll peter out. It’s impossible to eat flavorless protein and butter-less greens for every meal forever.

Creating built-in relief in your eating day will help you stay the course for longer, and that’s where we choose non-perfection. We eat things that aren’t necessarily “clean” or “on plan,” and it’s precisely because we choose to implement those foods that we are successful. And yes, might even have a better shot at weight loss.

Fall in love with the way you do things.

And I think if you do, you’ll be surprised at how not urgent “lose weight” starts to become in your mind.

I’m going to be diving into the mindset insights, tools and strategies I’ve used over the years myself and with my clients during the #AntiFragile2016 training. I'll also be talking about relationships, career and life--and how if you can learn to trust one single person (yoself!) that there's nothing you can't handle, and anxiety can take a hike! 

Sign up here before January 1st so you can get the #moderation365 primer videos ahead of time! The free training begins January 5th.

Let me know if you have any questions!
