how to overcome uncertainty about the future

Published: Thu, 02/11/16

Hey ,

Today I want to talk about uncertainty. Or specifically, how to overcome it.

I work with a lot of fitness professionals who are trying to grow their business. It is 100% natural when you are starting down any new road to wonder, “What will happen if I …” (fill in the blank), and we often do. It's scary!

And the uncertainty of NOT KNOWING can keep us paralyzed and crippled in inaction. I totally get that and felt the same way when I first started JillFit in 2010.

But the antidote to anxiety and uncertainty just so happens to be the exact thing we are terrified to do: act.

Think about it – the more action you take (and endure the outcomes and learn from them!) the more experiences you accumulate and the bigger the show of evidence that you can, ahem, handle it.

So today I am writing you from Sydney, Australia where I’m co-hosting a Radiance Retreat event. I could not be happier or more proud of holding our first international event (and 5th event since 2013) this weekend. Wow.

I’ve told the story of Jen Sinkler, Neghar Fonooni and I (my co-hosts for The Radiance Retreat) bunking up together—and simultaneously meeting for the first time!—for 6 days in Sedona for a yoga retreat in early 2013, with the highlight being the 60-minute near-death driving-in-a-mud storm in a golf cart, I mean, a Prius incident. If you haven’t heard that story yet, you can listen here (a snippet from the #AntiFragile2016 training series).

Let’s just say spending a week together in a Dirty Dancing-style cabin with no wifi and doing only yoga all day bonded us immediately (not to mention the survival of no alcohol or chocolate!).

Well, it was on the last day, we were hiking and talking about an event we should do together. How fun would it be to bring women together from all over the country for some … fat loss, fitness and …. fun? Lol. FFF was the name of our first event! HAHAHAHAHA.

I am actually terrible at naming things, and this was one of the worst. FFF? Loooooololol.

But you know what, I love the story of our first retreat for one single reason: we pulled the mothereffing trigger.

On that hike, we decided to do it.

I remember saying, “Okay, but I want to make sure you both are totally serious because I will literally start planning it the second we get home.” (the first one was in North Carolina)

And I did. My MO is to jump and figure things out on the fly. It’s not perfect, in fact it’s never perfect but it’s always action and it’s always learning.

I went to work—found a venue, threw up a sales page on my JillFit website, added a BUY NOW button, not to mention put together this homemade flyer in 10 minutes, lol:

We did a webinar that had tons of echo-ing the whole time (still struggling with tech issues as evidenced by the webinar we did 2 weeks ago!) – whoops – but we ended up selling out the very first event in a matter of weeks. Not to mention the best part: we got to meet and work with 40 amazing women who were all talented, kind, open and working to make shit happen! We had the best time.

AND we got to start a business together doing something we love and working to create a positive environment for other strong women to thrive. 

The Radiance Retreat has sold out every single time (we are holding our 6th event in Venice Beach, CA this May!) and I have to think it’s because we didn’t wait for things to be perfect. We didn’t wait to have all the information. We didn’t wait to know for sure what would happen. Though we’d never hosted an in-person event before, we harnessed that little bit of courage and jumped anyway.

The only way to know “what will happen” is to do it and actually see for yourself what will happen.

Can it be scary? Yes. Can it be uncertain? You bet. Can it be anxiety-producing? It still is! But the bottom line is that the alternative is not doing it, not taking action.

And I’m done with that. I’m done with waiting and seeing and hoping and wishing. I am all in to keep things moving, progressing, learning, growing, elevating.

Action begets more action. The more you do, the easier it becomes to keep doing.

Trust yourself just enough to say yes and figure shit out on the fly. You can handle it. Be an example to others that imperfect action will always beat a perfect status quo.

And know that I will always be in your corner!


P.S. As always, you can stay in touch with literally the blow-by-blow of my month-long trip down under by following everything on Snapchat. Download the add, go to Add Friends and search by username: xjillfitx. Add me and then send me a snap to say hi!