LAST CHANCE (+ FAQs) for Metabolic Prime home workouts

Published: Sun, 02/28/16

Hi ,

Quite a lot of of you have purchased the Metabolic Prime workout videos for at home this week, and I cannot wait for you to start them! Respond back to let me know how you did!

Today is the last day to grab the 12 weeks’ worth of at-home video workouts:

Like I mentioned, I was lucky enough to be at the video shoot last year for the workouts, while Jade was training these fitness models, and I loved how only 15 minutes totally gassed them. Short and sweet. Effective, and many of them only used the bodyweight option. There’s also a dumbbell option and a resistance band option.

But, I have also received several questions for women regarding Metabolic Prime, so I thought I’d shoot you a message with some answers real quick.

I’m in pretty good shape already. Are these workouts for me?

I am dead serious and 100% truthful when I tell you the workouts are for everyone, ONLY BECAUSE they employ Rest-based Training (RBT, Jade’s signature approach to training). RBT dictates that you rest whenever you need to, and the philosophy is that the more you rest, the harder you can push. Thus, it’s not only an intense workout but also an individualized one. By granting each exerciser their autonomy in the workout—resting whenever they want to—it ends up being safe for all and as intense as THEY want it to be (or not).

These workouts have crushed me (I normally use 15-20 lb dumbbells), but for people who are just getting started, the 15 minutes makes is doable, which we know is the key to long-term success. Take more rest and listen to your body.

I am already doing another program, how would these workouts work with that?

Lots of you gals have said you are doing strength programs already, and want to know if you can do these too. The program is designed to be a standalone 3x/week program, 15 minutes each day for fat loss. So, if you are already doing a strength or hypertrophy program, then I recommend using these as your conditioning workouts that week, but maybe only doing 1 or 2 a week, instead of 3. That way, it won’t take away from what you are doing by not giving you enough recovery time in between.

Related: Would this be a good “finisher” workout on top of what I am already doing?

I know 15 minutes doesn’t seem like “enough”—believe me, if you’d have told me years ago that short workouts were worth my time, I’d have laughed in your face. It was an hour minimum or bust! But, honestly, the key to remember here is that if you train intensely, you don't need to working out all day.

Remember, longer workouts and more exercise doesn't equal better results. Your efforts reach a point of diminishing returns, and your body doesn't keep responding ad infinitum. So find that sweet spot where you continue to feel excited and motivated by your training, but it doesn't feel like a full-time job, and you don't feel like you *need* a certain amount or else you will gain like crazy.

Exercise shouldn't be a long-term weight loss tool. It can help, especially at the beginning of your journey, but more than anything it should be a health tool, a quality-of-life tool, a feel-good tool.

BUT, if you want a little more, the Metabolic Prime workouts include 5-min “burnouts” that you can throw on the end.

But yes, it is entirely possible to get results in 15 minutes. This is pretty much how I work out—I just use heavier weights and rest a ton so that I can push even harder. Intensity is the dial-mover.

I am rehabbing an injury, can I do these?

This is an answer straight from Jade: “Injuries don't preclude you from exercising. If your lower body is injured, do the workout just with the upper body. If the upper body has issues, do the workout with just the lower body. If the right leg is injured use the left leg, etc.

Exercise what you can exercise. All my workout programs, including Metabolic Prime, give you infinitely scalable exercises you are free to adjust. Some of these considerations are discussed in the manual, so if you have injuries make sure you read that part carefully and get clearance from your physician.”

Okay Jill, I am going to get the videos. But HOW can I maximize the workouts for better fat loss results?

You know this as well as I do—nutrition is the gross control, while exercise is the fine control. Exercise cannot be the only tool in your belt. You need to find a way to eat healthy in an automated way. Of course, I am huge proponent of #moderation365, which means you are using preemptive cheats regularly in your eating to take the edge off so that you don’t binge on the weekends, vacation, etc.

BUT, in order for #moderation365 to be sustainable, you cannot do exercise that has your hunger and cravings going through the roof. The #1 modality that will increase hunger/cravings is long workouts (40 min+, day after day), especially of the moderate intensity variety, like jogging and aerobics. Even intense workouts like CrossFit, if they are hour-long workouts, will increase the appetite. Cortisol becomes elevated, and when you are always training like that, your physiology pays the price.

There’s nothing wrong an elevated appetite, per se, you’re just going to have to stay mindful of those compensatory responses and if you find yourself binging again, cut back on workout time and volume.

That’s why I love Metabolic Prime workouts—keeps your hunger and cravings in check because it balances hormones with short, but intense exercise, not elevating cortisol like crazy.

Why are these videos marketed like this? The sales page is so salesy!

Yes, yes, is it. Unfortunately, Jade nor I have any say in how the workouts are marketed, as they are produced by a third party. But here’s the thing—this kind of marketing is pretty common in the mainstream—I am sure you have seen these long page sales letters before, yes?

The difference is that YOU, a JillFit reader and maybe a follower of Metabolic Effect, are pretty dang savvy. You are educated and already have a decent knowledge base of training and nutrition. You probably wouldn’t be interested in ME and JillFit in the first place if you weren’t.

With that being said, the average person does not have that level of exercise knowledge, and they end up reading the whole sales page (there is actually a lot of science on it!). They need to know some more before they purchase. You don’t, really.

You just want to know: can I get results with these workouts? The answer is absolutely, yes.

I would never in a million years send to you to a product that I didn’t believe in 100%. I trust Jade completely, and was privy to the creation of the workouts, as Jade ran all of them by me when he was creating them. They are nothing short of genius.

I have honestly never seen anything like these workouts outside of Metabolic Effect.

And so, while the marketing is somewhat off-putting, I’d advise you not to stress and instead just scroll to the bottom of the page, find the BUY button and take a deep breath through the sales process ;)

You can begin the downloaded videos immediately upon purchase, so reply and let me know how you did after you finish your first one!

Let me know if you have any questions – and remember, the sale ends TONIGHT (Sunday)!
