Can you test out this workout for me? šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ (enclosed)

Published: Thu, 03/24/16

Hey thereĀ ,

Iā€™m back in Cali after 5 weeks overseas and a quick trip to NC to visit family, and I am finally, FINALLY feeling back in the groove with exercise. Granted I did my best while I was traveling, but thereā€™s nothing like having ā€œyour gymā€ with ā€œyour equipmentā€ and seeing ā€œyour people.ā€ Itā€™s one big ahhh moment šŸ™šŸ¼

So anyway, Iā€™m home for a while and putting the finishing touches on my latest treadmill + dumbbell-based program called #treadLIFT, which launches May 3rd.

Iā€™ve been doing these workouts like crazy to make sure they are both effective and enjoyable. I donā€™t know about you, but I never want to dread the gym and when I know a workout is going to be short and also kind of non-monotonous, Iā€™m much more likely to be compliant.

So I want to share one of the #treadLIFT workouts with you today.

But just a word of warning: this workout is considered advanced, so I want you to listen to your body and adjust speeds and inclines to YOU. I don't expect people to be able to do this with ease--so don't use it as an excuse to feel bad about yourself, just adjust and honor exactly where you are in this moment, because that's perfect!Ā It's the *concept* of the workout that I want to get a feel for.

And so,Ā Iā€™ve attached it to this email for you, and I would love love LOVE for you to try it out sometime in the next week, and then respond back with how you did.

Let me know:
  • How did you feel doing it?
  • Was it too hard/too easy?
  • Did it feel like enough (remember, these babies are all 30 mins or less!)? Or did you need more?
  • How did you adjust the workout if you did?
  • Anything feel ā€œoffā€ or strange or disorienting?
  • Did you get lots of weird looks? ;)
Write me anything and everything you want me to know about your experience. I am taking all feedback!

Next, I want to make sure you saw this weekā€™s blog entitled, ā€˜Exactly How I Cut My Exercise Time in Half and Got Better Physique Results.ā€™ The post already has over 1000 shares within 2 days, so please give it a read when you have 5 minutes, HERE. And it would be a huge favor to me if youā€™d share it with anyone you think might need this info.

Finally, I want to share some feedback that I have been getting from women reading the post: ā€œThis is the permission I need to finally feel okay about my 30Ā minute workouts! I donā€™t know why I felt bad about not doing an hour lol, but this is confirms that what Iā€™m doing is useful.ā€

I love this and I hate it.

I love itĀ because ā€¦ YES!

But I also hate it because it reminds me that the mentality of needing to be in the gym for an hour or else itā€™s not worth it, is still alive and well. This is kind of a ridiculous mindset when you think about it, like, why does it need to be an hour or bust??

We can probably agree that every little bit truly does count, so why does it sometimes feel like it doesnā€™t?

Why do we feel like if we canā€™t go-hard-or-go-home, we might as well just give up? Why does it feel like if we arenā€™t perfect with our nutrition then we might as well eat everything in sight?

This all-or-nothing mentality is a huge compliance trap.

Think about it, whatā€™s better: exercising for 20 minutes 5 times a week or exercising twice a week for an hour?

I would argue the former, not only because it will elicit better results, but because of inertia: a body in motion stays in motion. Like my dad, Jim Coleman (whom I obviously always go to for wisdom, ha!) says, ā€œDo something.ā€

So this is just a friendly reminder that something isnā€™t nothing.

The leanest and healthiest bodies are not built by being perfect all the time, they are built through days, months and years of simply doing your best, showing up as best you can, but prioritizing consistency.

Being a little less perfect will help you be a little more compliant.

And remember, not every day is going to crush. Just this morning, I was about three-quarters of the way through my workout and just decided I wasnā€™t feeling it, so I unloaded the bar and left. NBD. Itā€™s fine! And to take it one step further, I felt pretty good that I pushed myself pretty hard for those 20 minutes, ha!

Donā€™t make the mistake of thinking that shorter workouts arenā€™t worth your time. In fact, the best use of your time is to do a little something daily, all the while building a habit (not to mention a body) that will serve you later.

So try the attached workout and respond back to let me know how you did! I read every single email and you would be doing me a huge favor if you did.

Have a great rest of the week, and as always, let me know if thereā€™s anything I can help you with!
