your #treadLIFT questions answered (+ a look in the portal)

Published: Fri, 05/06/16

Hi , 

Just a quick reminder that #treadLIFT closes at midnight PST tonight, and if you haven’t gotten your spot yet, you can do that here.

In a very simple way, the #treadLIFT program is just what it sounds like: some treadmill and some lifting, all 30-minute workouts.

But there are a lot of considerations and I want to address your most pressing questions in this quick email—the exact ones my incredible assistant Sara and I have been fielding all week.

I also want to show you the back end of the #treadLIFT membership portal—which you can see if you scroll down to the bottom of this email.

But first, your #treadLIFT questions, answered:

What if I don’t have access to a treadmill (or hate the treadmill)?

The workouts are all build in timed segments, so you can do this with any piece of cardio equipment: elliptical, rowing machine, bike, jump rope, etc. Simply trade out the running/walking for anything you do have access to. Though the workouts are not individually tailored to other machines, you can easily do the “sprinting” sections on anything. If it calls for an incline, increase your resistance. If it calls for a flat sprint, increase your speed at a lower resistance, for example.

What if I have bad knees and need something lower impact?

See response above. The interval segments can be done on any machine that suits your needs, such as the bike, the elliptical, the rower and even just walking on the treadmill. Listen to your body (you know it better than I do!) and stay safe and work with where you are, no expectations! There are also several incline walking workouts included in #treadLIFT. As for the weight training movements, for any jumping motion (plyometrics), I have offered an alternative.

What format do the workouts come in?

All of the workouts are delivered via easy print-and-go PDF with accompanying photos for all lifting movements. There are no full-length videos or audios for each workout, only video tutorials for how to use the treadmill, how to get on and off during a workout, and how to rest while it's still going, etc.--safety stuff!

What equipment do I need?

You’ll need access to a treadmill (or other cardio equipment or a stretch of outdoor running space around 200 meters or half way around the track) and at the very least, a set of moderate weight dumbbells. Ideally I’d like you to have 2 sets of dumbbells: one heavier (15-25 lbs) and one lighter (8-15 lbs). A bench is optional. You can always use an ottoman, the floor or a chair for any sitting movements.

Am I fit enough? It sounds intense!

You’re right, the program is challenging and was designed with intermediate to advanced exercisers in mind. The reason is not to exclude, so much as I want you have to have something to work toward. I expect 90% of people to not be able to do the workouts exactly as is. That’s by design. I want you to honor your body and adjust as needed for you. Most will be able to do the weight lifting sections just fine, but the treadmill portions are extremely challenging (and meant to be). But don’t make this one more way you’re not good enough 😉 It’s not! Instead, see it as an opportunity to learn your body, honor your process, work toward a goal and stay consistent!

Is there a lot of getting on and off the treadmill? My gym is not set up to facilitate that.

Some of the workouts (BURN) are structured so you might be doing something on the treadmill, hopping off for a minute or two do to a lift and then getting back on. About 80% of the BURN workouts are like this. The BUILD workouts are separate: 10 mins on the tread + 20 min of lifting. And the BOOST workouts are separate: 20 mins on the tread + 10 min of lifting.

What if I am currently doing another program?

The programming for #treadLIFT is 3-4 days a week, depending on your goal. It is designed so that you don’t have to do anything else on your “off” days, except some light leisure walking if you want. The reason being, these workouts are intense! And I don’t want you overtraining, and I want you rested up enough to get up the next day and train well again. Don’t make the mistake of doing too much. If you are currently doing a high-volume training program, then maybe sprinkle in one #treadLIFT workout a week to get the hang of them, and then when you are done with your current regimen, you can do #treadLIFT as is it written.

And remember, you will always have access to #treadLIFT (but the program will not be available for purchase after today!), so you can finish out your current program and then start these.

Once I purchase the workouts, what order should I do them? BURN, BUILD or BOOST?

I recommend you begin with the BUILD workouts, then move to BURN and then finally to BOOST. Ideally you want to complete all 12 week programming for BUILD before moving to to BURN. The workout schedule changes every couple weeks, even within the 12 weeks, so you won’t get bored :) But at the very least, complete a minimum of 4 weeks of one goal set before moving on to the next.

Is there a refund policy?

I have a 30-day money back guarantee. I know you will love these workouts, and I hope that you try a bunch of them and find your favorite and get into a rhythm and routine using them. But if you don’t get any benefit even after having tried them, then I am happy to give you a full refund within the 30-day window.

Next, if you have not grabbed your copy of #treadLIFT yet, I want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the back end of the membership site (which you have access to forever! But is only available for purchase through tonight at midnight!), so you know exactly what you are getting.

Click on the video below to watch it:
And finally, registration for #treadLIFT CLOSES TONIGHT! Grab your spot here.

Let me know if you have any questions I missed!
