why I'm eating more lately (+ new workout attached)

Published: Thu, 05/05/16

, I have so much I want to talk about today! But I will try my best to keep things brief, ha!
  1. My appetite is insane lately, but I’m not really sweating it and I’ll tell you why.
  2. I have beta tested every single #treadLIFT workout over the last 6 weeks, and I shared one of my favorites as an attachment in this email for you!
  3. I’m noticing a huge change in my midsection even though I am eating more. My workouts have been more intense (still short, all 30 mins), and my malt balls food is helping me fuel (EMEM-style).
But first!

Some of the early reports on #treadLIFT are coming in, and I am loving them! If you have tried a workout, I would love for you to respond right now and tell me which one you did and how you liked it!
How awesome are these women?? :)

Next, I mentioned last week how I’d been feeling stressed lately with lots of stuff on my plate.

In the spirit of complete transparency, I don’t love it, but much of it is self-imposed so I am doing my best where I can to manage it. By, like I wrote, making sure I exercise intensely for 30 minutes (mostly weights), going on a leisure walk in the afternoon, and getting a nonnegotiable 8 hours of sleep nightly. If I do nothing else, I do those things.

I've been maintaining that routine all the way through the #treadLIFT launch, even as I wrote over 20k word over the last week, aaaaah!

But something else is happening too: I’m eating more.

It’s not “bad” or upsetting, more just something to observe and watch, and then decide how I want to handle it.

It’s funny, because years ago I would have freaked out if I had a week of more-than-normal eating. I would have made it mean that I was screwed from now on, and I’ll never be able to control myself ever again, and I am destined to gain 1000 pounds and I must suck at life.

Truthfully, managing times of increased hunger (we all have them) can be difficult, because … it can feel scary.

We start to go down the path of what-ifs: What if I’m like this forever? What if I blow up? What if I never feel in control of my appetite again? WHAT IF THIS NEVER ENDS!!!

Going down the path of what-if’s can be crippling.

But the reality is:
  1. Your hunger and cravings will ebb and flow, depending on many things: stress (physical and/or mental), your activity, your menstrual cycle, your sleep (or lack of), etc. Those things impact your hormones and brain chemistry, which are responsible for feelings of hunger and cravings. It’s normal and fine. It doesn’t have to be catastrophic.

  2. You always have a say in how you handle it. You can adapt your lifestyle to manage this stuff. Need more sleep? Go to bed earlier. Need to feel less stressed, go for a leisure walk or don’t schedule launches and retreats and masterminds all in the same month! Lol. Manage your exercise: are you training too much? Or too little? Find that sweet spot. Where are you in your menstrual cycle? Honor that, IT’S FINE.

  3. You won’t “be like this forever”—it’s transient, and so long as you stay aware, watch yourself and stay mindful of those physical sensations, you will be just fine. It’s when you start to go down the rabbit hole of thinking that being hungry 24/7 is a life sentence that you tend to say screw it, go the mindless route, and stop thinking that what you do matters.
And so, I’m 100% honoring what’s happening and not making it mean it’s a death sentence and I have zero control.

I’m honoring the fact that I’m just gonna eat a few extra malt balls, and yes, I ordered fried chicken for dinner last night (Neghar says, “they’re like fries, but protein,” so I guess it’s not as bad, lmao) and I'm going to have some extra bites of stuff during the day.

But I am still doing my best, showing up to the gym and doing my short-duration workouts. I’ve been beta testing #treadLIFT over the last 6 weeks, normally averaging 3 workouts per week, and the results are very cool, despite the fact that I’m eating more.

My muscles look fuller, most likely because of the food volume. And my midsection is cutting up a little more—noticing more definition.

Jade wouldn’t be surprised by these results, because it falls right in line with his “EMEM” concept of how to balance your metabolism. EMEM stands for Eat More, Exercise More (and in his book, ‘Lose Weight Here’ he outlines how we tend to get in trouble when we eat less, exercise more, or the opposite: eat more, exercise less). Balancing your metabolism in this way allows for it to continue to be responsive.

And so, I have been EMEM’ing it and it’s fine. It’s good. It won't be like this forever but for now, it's all good.

And finally, I have attached one of my favorite #treadLIFT workouts to this email for you!

This is a BURN Workout—which I have to admit, are my fav. They include 10 minutes of cardio intervals followed by 20 minutes of lifting. The lifting portion is called a “Sweet Sixteen” because it’s 4 exercises done 4 rounds through, in circuit-fashion (hence 16 total sets).

The attached workout is designed to target the shoulders. I hope you love it, it’s one of my go-to’s for #deltsofdoom. Try it and let me know what you think!

Of course you get this workout, plus 35 more super effective full-body (and some body part split) workouts when you join #treadLIFT. Plus photos for each exercise, a 12-week programming calendar for each goal set (BURN, BUILD or BOOST) and short video tutorials for how to do some of the more advanced treadmill exercises.

Almost 800 women have already registered for #treadLIFT, and I can’t wait for you to experience it too!
Grab your spot by TOMORROW (Friday May 6th) at midnight, when the cart closes.

Let me know if you have questions! Many are addressed in the FAQ section of THIS PAGE, but feel free to send me anything you’d like to know about the workouts.

Good luck with your delt workout and let me know how it goes!
