women with muscle?

Published: Tue, 05/31/16

Hi ,

Just got back to LA after a week in Austin, TX where I was hosting a 2-day JillFit Business Mastermind with my Best of You women and speaking on #moderation365 at the Paleo f(x) conference.

It was a whirlwind, but I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to spend time with likeminded women who want to elevate in all areas of their lives.

Chances are you’re also like that—you have a desire to grow, change, learn, ask tough questions, get out of your comfort zone and ultimately get better.

And, if you’re like me and my homies, you also like to pick up heavy shit and put it down. Lifting is the best!

I had a few funny (yet insightful!) scenarios come up in Austin related to lifting, and I want to share them here with you, and see what you think.

On Friday night, I met up with Jen Sinkler for the Speakers’ Dinner for Paleo f(x). But before the dinner, Jen had a nail emergency (as one does), so we headed out for a quick polish change.

Jen and I were joking around with the aesthetician about something, when she says out of the blue, “I’m scared of both of you! YOU’RE HUGE!”

Now, she meant is as a compliment. Like, we’re buff. We’re fit. We’re strong.

And the best part of the whole situation was that at the exact same time and without hesitation, both Jen and I answer, “Thank you!!”

Not one second of doubt, insecurity, or feeling like we were somehow being insulted.

Never crossed our minds.


It hit me that maybe even as recent as a couple years ago, I might have been really upset by the comment (even if I intellectually knew she meant it kindly). I’d wonder, “Gosh, does that mean I’m fat?? Maybe I really am scaring people with how bulky I am?! Should I tone it down?? Maybe I should try to lose some of this muscle. I don’t want to be seen as huge and scary.”

The truth is, I don’t think I am huge, objectively. Nor do I think I’m all that scary. But I also don’t mind being called it.

At this point in my life, I’m 99% sure I could be called small, big, skinny, overweight, scary, weak, buff, butch, emaciated (someone did call me that once, lmao), enormous, ANYTHING, and I’d actually be fine with it.


Because I like the way I look.

And when I get comments on social media (or even in real life, ha!) about my looks, I literally just write, “Thank you for the feedback, but I like how I look.”

It’s the truth.

And HOLY! That is a huge realization and win!

Definitely was not always the case. In fact, even at my leanest, 10% body fat, I didn’t think it was good enough. I never, ever felt like I truly liked what I saw in the mirror. There was always something that needed work.

So realizing that I can appreciate being called “huge” and “enormous” and not flinch was a magical moment😂

Something similar happened again on Sunday (must be in the water in Austin!), when my friend Tara and I were walking down Rainey Street—which I refer to as Frat Row. Lots of bars, lots of college kids and lots of drinking.

Tara (who also lifts and has visible muscle on her frame) and I passed a group of intoxicated younger guys and while I am sure they just wanted to get our attention, they did it by yelling, “Whoa, watch out, these girls could kick our ass!!”

Looooololol. I don’t know that lifting weights equates to being good at fighting, but again, I took it as a compliment. Could I kick their ass?? Probably. Lmao!


I didn’t make it mean I am somehow not feminine, or “too much” or “too big” or “too buff.” It makes me feel proud. Again, was not always the case, so I just loved this whole experience.

Walking around in a dress that shows off my hard work in the gym makes me feel gratified. I feel like a walking billboard for my belief system. My values. And that feels really good.

It’s actually okay to like the way you look and not need to consider the opinions of others. It’s okay to not worry about how you’re perceived. Who cares? If you like you, then bye!

And it’s okay to have muscle.

It’s okay to showcase the body you’ve worked hard for.

It’s okay to be buff AF.

Personally, I think muscle is extremely sexy. It’s subtly sexy. It’s effortlessly powerful. It’s alluring.

Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and aesthetic preferences are individual. I certainly think muscle on a woman is an acquired taste. But I love it!

And chances are if you’re here, you appreciate it too.

And I appreciate THAT about YOU!

Okay, thank you for listening to my ramblings🙏🏼 I’d love to know what you think and where you are with this? It's a mindset shift, right? Send me a quick response and let me know. Any buttons get pushed for you? Good? Bad? I’ve got you.



P.S. Speaking of my girl Jen Sinkler, she, with the help of some super talented coached, just released a new program today called Lightning and Thunder. It’s a training program to help you get faster, quicker and more agile. It’s for the inner athlete in all of us. If you want to learn how to sprint, but are perhaps a little scared, I suggest grabbing it as a primer to make sprinting more accessible. You know I sprint weekly. There’s nothing better for the midsection, good lord you'll be sore! L&T also has a strength training component too.
