The JillFit Mindset Curriculum is open!

Published: Tue, 07/12/16

, today I want to talk about something that is a thousand times more important than sticking to your meal plan or workout program.

But first, as I mentioned in last weekend’s email, I am opening up enrollment for my two Mindset Makeover courses in the brand new JillFit Mindset Curriculum today!

But a quick overview for you:

The 10-Week Mindset Makeover - This course touches on perfectionism, feelings of unworthiness and stuck-ness in following fitness and nutrition programs and plans. Over 3000 women have gone through this primer course over the last 4 years, and it’s become a benchmark in the fitness industry for those women who want to address their mindset, not just the nuts and bolts of diet and exercise.

MM2: #Radical Responsibility – This 6-week course takes the original curriculum and builds on it in the specific areas of relationships and maintenance of inner peace. This course is considered more niched and targeted for those struggling with other people in their lives, whether that’s partners, close friends, parents or children (or their relationship with themselves!)

Both courses were born after a decade of mental struggle around food obsession, body image, good-enough-ness and perfectionism.

In fact, the 10-Week Mindset Makeover course was originally launched in 2012, after I’d exhausted all over tools to feel good enough.

Sitting at 12% body fat on stage, tan and in a bikini and going on to WIN my figure show, and then STILL feeling too fat, too unworthy and unlovable, I knew there was something missing.

The constant struggle to be compliant, the need to be “perfect,” the incessant negative self-talk, IT WASN’T WORKING.

I knew there had to be more to this than walking around feeling insecure and not good enough for the rest of my life.

The answer was in doing some serious self-reflection and starting to call out my BS. Naming my insecurities, looking them straight in the face and owning up to the fact that the way I was thinking about myself and the world was THE THING that was keeping me miserable.

My own self-talk and limiting beliefs were keeping me from feeling at peace and from owning my power.

But the good news? The power to change was in my own hands. I didn't need anyone else to do anything to start feeling happier and more confident.

It’s truly #RadicalResponsibility.

Changing your mindset (which I just consider to be your ‘perception’) is not easy, and it’s often not pretty, because it feels easier to play the victim. It feels easier to blame and complain about other people or to beat yourself up.

I know because that’s how I operated most of my life: if I didn’t win my show, it was my coach’s fault. If I wasn’t able to stay on my diet, it was because my partner wanted to order pizza. If I didn’t feel comfy in my skin it was because I wasn’t lean enough, fit enough, sexy enough, GOOD ENOUGH. If I was eating poorly, I was “bad Jill” and if I was eating clean, I was “good Jill.”

All BS! But when we’re in it, it is incredibly hard to see a way out of it (or even want to, ha!).

But this is where making your mindset shift begins. And having a framework to work through, and reading stories of others who feel the same way is the safest and easiest way to begin.

It’s not easy to change your perception or to change years’ worth of hurts, pains and insecurities, but so long as you are engaged, you are on the journey.

Having the courage to dive in and begin is everything. Once you start down that track, there’s no turning back.

Once you start working on your inside game, you see it’s more life-changing than any diet, meal plan or workout program could ever be.

Your mindset shift can begin right this second.

For part, I’m beyond excited to take these programs out of the archives for you, this week only! Enrollment ends this Friday July 15th at midnight PST. You can enroll in both courses and save 20%, too.

As always, happy to answer any questions!
