You know what to do, so WHY aren't you doing it??

Published: Fri, 07/15/16


Today is the LAST DAY to sign up for one/both of the two JillFit Mindset courses:

The 10-Week Mindset Makeover - This course touches on perfectionism, feelings of unworthiness and stuck-ness in following fitness and nutrition programs and plans. Over 3000 women have gone through this primer course over the last 4 years, and it’s become a benchmark in the fitness industry for those women who want to address their mindset, not just the nuts and bolts of diet and exercise.

MM2: #RadicalResponsibility - This 6-week course takes the original curriculum and builds on it in the specific areas of relationships and maintenance of inner peace. This course is considered more niched and targeted for those struggling with other people in their lives, whether that’s partners, close friends, parents or children (or their relationship with themselves!).


Confession: I actually hate the word ‘mindset.’

We don’t walk around saying, “Gee, I really need to work on my mindset!”

We say, “Ugh, whyyyyy does this always happen to me?!” “Why does so-and-so doooooo that?!”

Internally we ask, “Why am I always feeling insecure about my body?” and “Why am I still struggling with this?” “Why does it seem so much easier for everyone else?” “Why can’t I get GET IT and be good??”

All of these: totally normal.

AND, all of these: totally mindset-related.

Our mindset bridges the gap between knowing and doing, because it’s our perception that helps us or hinders us.

Playing the victim, blaming and complaining, makes us feel powerless. And I don’t know about you, but when I feel helpless, I don’t want to try to do anything. I think, “Why bother? It doesn’t matter anyway!”

It’s a choice to see life as “happening to me.”

And that’s a perception that doesn’t serve my goals. It keeps me small, scared and NOT taking action toward my goals.

On the other hand, we can also choose peace and empowerment.

We can choose to perceive situations as benevolent. We can choose to give other people the benefit of the doubt (yes, even when it bruises our ego to do so). And we can choose to find gratitude in the struggle.

We can choose a perception that puts us in our power and makes us feel like taking action really does effect our outcomes.

Your perception predicts your actions. And your actions predict your results.

Your mindset is just your perception. And it’s a practice. Something you choose every day (or not). Starts with awareness, then comes choice. Then comes rinse and repeat.

I wanted to leave you with some of my favorite words from ladies who have gone through the courses in the past, below. The 10-Week Mindset Makeover alone has seen over 3000 participants! It’s a benchmark for mindset work in the fitness industry and if you have not enrolled yet, today is your last chance.

I love sharing these stories because they are from women of all ages, all different mindset challenges and places in their lives. Enjoy!

Don’t forget to enroll before midnight tonight. You can sign up right here.

Xo, Jill