LAST CHANCE: Mindset Makeover – still have questions? Let’s chat!

Published: Fri, 07/15/16

Hey ,

Enrollment for the JillFit Mindset Curriculum (containing both the 10-Week Mindset Makeover and the MM2: #RadicalResponsibility course) is closing tonight at midnight PST.

‘Mindset’ can be a confusing term. And it’s hard to know if you need to do anything about your own.

I spent many years going through life blaming other people and complaining about them. I blamed myself a lot, too, for not being perfect and not being good enough. When all along, had I changed my perception (aka my mindset) and been courageous enough to take action, I would have saved myself a lot of misery and hurt.

But I think that’s part of the process. I don’t think we can get the mindset insights that we need without enduring some kind of internal struggle.

You’ll know you’re ready the same way I knew I was: everything else I tried wasn’t working.

Blaming other people wasn’t changing things. Berating myself wasn’t changing things.

I needed a 3rd option. And it turns out, that was to stop blaming others (even myself!) and start investigating my belief systems, uncovering the ones that weren’t serving me and replacing them with better ones—like gratitude, giving the benefit of the doubt, reaffirmation of my own goals and trashing the self-judgment.

I think it’s easy to write off other people as just “having it better” or “haven’t gone through what we have,” and maybe that’s true, but why deny ourselves the opportunity to gain more clarity?

Why just write something off when we haven’t tried it?

To me, it’s convenient to write off anything that doesn’t work with our current viewpoint. But also in my opinion, that’s the classic victim mindset: “I am fine, everyone else is messed up. It’s not my problem, it’s not on me.”

It might not be your problem, but it is your responsibility.

And the 3000+ women who have gone through the Mindset Makeover courses can also attest—a new perspective can save you a ton of heartache and misery.

If you are getting triggered by this email itself, then chances are there’s something there to investigate, ha! ;)
I don’t think I’m necessarily right, but I do think that we have a way better chance of peace and empowerment when we investigate our insecurities and call out our own BS, than when we sit around pointing fingers at our partner, our coach, our friend, our family members, our co-workers.

Or even at ourselves! Blaming yourself for perceived ways you are not good enough is also not helping you feel more at peace and more encouraged to take action.

And so I invite you: I will be on Facebook LIVE today at 7pm EST/4pm PST talking all about mindset, and I would love to see you there. Bring your questions, comments, stories and anything else you’d like to share with me. I answer all questions and respond to all comments. I am 100% open.

This email is the LAST CALL for the Mindset Makeover courses – closes tonight at midnight.

Let me know if you have any questions!

And see you LIVE in a bit!
