I have the biggest smile on my face right now

Published: Mon, 08/01/16

Hey ,

I actually wasn’t planning on emailing you today because the #20x20Challenge is now off and running, but I’ve been sporting the biggest, cheesiest grin all morning (and if you know me, you know that my smile is *literally* huge. Lol thanks, Mom and Dad for these huge teeth!) because HUNDREDS of #Day1 workout check-ins are coming in, and I am reading every single one of them!

Here’s just a snapshot of the action:

Okay so a couple quick things:

If you have not registered for the #20x20Challenge – with the goal of completing twenty 20-minute workouts during the month of August – you can still jump in today, RIGHT HERE.

Tons of gals are tagging their friends on Instagram, and we are creating an inspiring legoin of women who are leveling up this month, getting consistent as a mofo with their workouts, and supporting each other #OneWorkoutAtATime.

AND, showing their friends and family on IG how it’s done.

I have a juicy email going out tomorrow to the #20x20Challenge participants all about the MINDSET of sharing stuff online – gulp, it feels scary and what if people get annoyed?? – so you’ll also get access to that once you register.

But here’s the short of it: sharing your wins on social media or having people “follow along” on your journey can feel really exposed and vulnerable. I get that.

But have we have a choice to either get caught up in our insecurities and go down the rabbit hole of who’s judging us and what are they saying? OR, we can use our shares as a reminder to our higher self that we are leveling up, and who knows, maybe instead of assuming people will be turned off, could we consider that our journey and consistency might, ahem, inspire someone else by example?

Never apologize for leveling up.

And this month? We gone level the eff up!

Here’s your last chance to join the #20x20Challenge for August (and why not forward this email to a friend to do it together?).

Can’t wait to see your check-ins on Instagram!

Let’s have a great week!


P.S. You’re welcome for the shortest email you’ll probably ever receive from me, loooololol.