"Just eat some! It won't kill you!"

Published: Sat, 08/27/16

“Just have some! It won’t kill you!”

“What’s one day? Treat yourself!”

“It’s a holiday, indulge a little!”

“You have so much willpower, I could never do that!”

, I have heard statements like these a thousand times over the last 5 years. People commenting on how I’ll eat a couple French fries, or a few bites of a dessert, or skip starchy sides at holiday dinners or could take or leave the bread basket.

Which still kind of shocks me, not because I don’t think it’s a normal response, but because for the first 30 years of my life, those things were the opposite of me. I was all-or-nothing, deprive-then-binge, hardcore or no-core lol.

I’d make myself sick at the movies eating Sour Patch Kids until my tongue was raw and I had a stomach ache. I’d routinely go out to dinner and eat an entire greasy appetizer, the most disgusting thing on the menu as an entrée and then order dessert, obviously, only to have to literally unbutton my pants. One time my partner even had to rub my stomach to help with my digestion because I was so full! Lmao.


Moving from someone who is preoccupied with food and all-or-nothing to someone who is less obsessed with food, enjoys it and never overdoes it, like ever, is possible.

But it is not easy.

And it doesn’t just take a month. And it doesn’t happen automatically. And you don’t just slot yourself into some random coach’s plan and expect instantaneous results.

The way you make the transition from all-or-nothing to #moderation365 is by putting in the time and the work to learn about you own metabolism. By practice mindfulness and embracing resiliency and learning from your missteps.

And these things, by nature, take time.

But here’s the thing. When people make those comments to me, here’s what they miss:
  • I know it won't kill me, but I honestly could take it or leave it. Saying no isn't hard.
  • I don’t need to “treat myself” because I feel treated daily with my #moderation365 approach. It’s a preemptive approach so I don’t ever reach the point of feeling like a need a reward.
  • I don’t need to indulge on holidays because I already eat exactly what I want, every single day of the year. It just doesn’t look like the binging that it used to.
  • I don’t have any more willpower than anyone else, I have just been practicing this stuff for longer, and as such, it’s second nature now. Automatic. I'm also so grateful I just had the courage to try a new way.
It feels really good to share that. But what feels even better is that I know it’s possible for you, too.

My girl Kyla recently emailed me with this, and it is 100% spot-on in terms of what the journey looks like:

I asked her if I could share it with you, because so many women still feel like eating healthy forever is impossible for them, or like they’ll never get there. And she responded, “Please share!!! Hearing other stories is so helping. We always want a quick fix and it isn't. It was frustrating last year but so worth the growing pains!!!”

So the next question becomes, HOW DO YOU BEGIN? Where do you even start??

Perfect, I have put together some resources for you:
  • First, the 52-week Total Training Experience program is finally open for enrollment. The program only opens once a year (it begins September 1st!) and that time is now. You can read all the details about it RIGHT HERE. I am only admitting a limited number of women into this year’s program because we will be connecting in a private closed FB group for the year and I want it to remain intimate and useful for everyone in the group. This is a long-term exercise, nutrition and mindset solution. Enrollment closed on Wednesday Aug 31st at midnight!

  • Next, I am holding a FREE Nutrition Training this coming Monday August 29th. You can register HERE. I will be on live discussing my top 4 nutrition tools to quit forcing yourself to eat food you hate, and find a way to eat healthy forever. This is a great starting place!

  • I am going to be doing Facebook LIVE tomorrow (Sunday), Monday and Wednesday at 3pm EST/12pm PST on the JillFit Facebook page this week. I will be sharing actual #moderation365 tools and strategies on each stream, if you have questions I’d love to see you on live and ask ‘em.
Okay, (I think) that’s it for now, hopefully these will get you moving in the right direction. But remember, nutrition is a long game. Mastering it doesn’t happen overnight, and your frustration about it all not happening fast enough it’s helping ;)

In the Total Training Experience, we go through several modules on hunger, cravings, navigating overindulges, troubleshooting food choices on the fly, cultivating an abundance mindset around food, and much, much more. But one of the keys is getting clinical. You have to learn to separate your emotions from your nutrition process in order to improve.

We go through all that and more in the TTE.

Enrollment closes Wednesday at midnight! Spots limited.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, but there’s also an in-depth FAQ question here.

See you this week!
