Didn't LOL at this (+ TTE closes tonight)

Published: Wed, 08/31/16

, I posted this little quip on social media yesterday, and though it was obviously meant to be funny, the reality is that the situation is far from funny:

It’s not funny to be told you can lose 30 lbs in a month and keep it off forever. It’s not funny to be prescribed bland chicken and soggy asparagus for the rest of your life. It’s not funny when “experts” tell you there’s only one way to get results and if you can’t do it, sorry, you’re just not disciplined enough.

And it’s not funny when you find yourself obsessed with food every second, living in a mental prison of counting and measuring, and you don’t even know quite how you got there.

I'm not LOL'ing at the pervasiveness of the all-or-nothing, perfectionist environment we have going on in the nutrition space. It sucks.

In fact, I get very specific questions about weight loss and body change all the time: how many carbs? What time should I eat? What about post-workout? Should I fast, for how long? How much water should I drink? Should I eat after 8pm? Should I do cardio to burn fat first and then weight train to tone up? How many calories for someone of my height and weight? What should my body fat % be?

Though these kinds of questions are understandable and when we get answers we tend to feel more in control, the bottom line is: I actually don’t know. No one can.

Yes, I have a lot of education under my belt in nutrition and fitness, and I don’t actually know exactly what will work for you.

And more importantly, I am honestly at a point in my career—in the industry for nearly 20 years and worked with tens of thousands of clients—that I actually think it would be a HUGE DISSERVICE to give you hard and fast rules.

The reason is because in order to create a sustainable way of eating and exercising, YOU will have to do the work. You will have to try things, watch, be patient, reassess and then adjust based on the feedback you get—physical sensations like hunger, cravings, sleep quality, energy during workouts, stress responses, anxiety, etc.

You will constantly be assessing your mood, your level of satisfaction and fullness.

You will be watching yourself and practicing mindfulness.

All of this stuff only you can do.

But here’s what I will do for you (in the Total Training Experience, which closes for enrollment tonight):

I will lead you in the right direction to begin assessing these things. You’ll have starting points and then I will help you go from there. I will use all my knowledge, experience, skills and strategies to help you create (not find! Because it’s not “out there”) the perfect approach for you. 

Nutrition and exercise is often overwhelming: just tell me what to do!

But by telling you exactly what to eat I would be making the problem worse. I would be delaying your ability to succeed. I would be siding with the 7-day detoxes and 14-day cleanses and 21-day jump starts.

I would be doing you a huge disservice.

I would be denying you a huge opportunity.

And so, the Total Training Experience begins tomorrow. And if this autonomy and introspective journey appeals to you (or maybe you are—like I was—just sick and tired of following rules 24/7, things I couldn’t even do!), then join us.

The goal is to buckle down for a year in order to reap the long-term benefits. I guess not a novel concept—delayed gratification—but it’s certainly not a sexy one. Lol.

So, I want to share the curriculum with you so you know exactly what you are getting into. It might be for you, it might not. Totally fine either way.

Here you go, the TTE Educational Curriculum for 2017:
  • Designing Your Daily Nutritional Commitments (DNCs)
  • Identifying Your Nutrition Triggers
  • Hunger and the 3:1:1 Method
  • Troubleshooting Hunger in Real Time
  • Understanding Your Carbohydrate Tipping Point
  • Preventing Cravings and Handling Cravings in Real Time (6 weeks! Ha!)
  • Mindfulness and Surfing the Urge
  • Ongoing Overindulgence Troubleshooting
  • Trusting Yourself and Trusting the Process
  • Mindset Tools – 8 modules!
  • Mastering Willpower
  • Strategies for Attainment versus Maintenance
  • Your Personal Nutrition Hierarchy (PNH)
  • How to Match Your Eating to Your Training
  • Managing Fatigue and Recovery
  • Overcoming the Comparison Trap
  • Understanding Weight Gain and Getting Clinical
  • Owning Your Food Choices
  • Abundance versus Scarcity Mindset
  • When Food Is *Too* Fun
  • Honoring the Ebbs and Flows
  • When Moderation Becomes Stressful
  • Thoughts on “Eating Freely”
  • Takeaways and Roundups
This is in addition to the dozens of educational videos, webinars and workouts stored on the TTE membership site. But don’t worry about being overwhelmed—I walk you through the entire process in bite-sized chunks so that you can actually implement.

I won’t be doing the work for you. I won’t be giving you meal plans to follow. I won’t be giving you hard and fast yesses and nos. And I won’t be trying to “keep you in line” or tell you have to do anything.

I will, however, be challenging you to think for yourself, to do the toughest, bravest work, the things that the 7-day detoxers aren’t ready for yet.

And I will guide you to creating what will work for you, for the final time.

The TTE closes tonight at midnight PST.


P.S. If you want to take an in-depth look at the TTE membership portal, be sure to watch this video right here. And check out the FAQs on the bottom of the page. Let me know if you have any questions!