why we give up (on the things we say we want)

Published: Thu, 09/29/16

Hi ,

A few weeks ago, I emailed out asking you to respond back with the #1 thing you wanted to accomplish in the next 12 months. I asked you to respond not for me, but for you. Yes, I am always interested and nosy, but the point was for YOU to practice saying it out loud, actually writing it down and then sharing with another human.

There is immense power in putting yourself on the hook.

I have done this a lot in my life—been shared shitless but then SAID ALOUD what I wanted to create anyway. Not trying to control the outcome (I can’t anyway), but taking one small step at a time, focusing my efforts and my attitude:

At age 24: “I want to create an at-home workout DVD so people can work out with me in their living rooms all over the country.” (Happened at age 29 in the form of 14 workout videos I recorded for Comcast, streamed into millions of households)

At age 25: “I want to land a magazine cover.” (Happened at age 26, first of 6 covers)

At age 28: “I want to start an online fitness brand and be able to quit my full-time job.” (Started it at 29, quit my job at 30).

At age 32: “I want to get a book deal with a traditional publisher and write an amazing book that changes the lives of many.” (Has not happened yet! Ha!)

And so many more! Many I have not yet reached. But that’s fine. To me, if the intention is there, the action is there and most importantly, THE PERSPECTIVE is there, I can create anything I want.

Here is a snippet of the amazing goals I received last week:
I’m obsessed with all the responses I received, but one thing really stuck out for me: the biggest challenges are not the how-to (that information is Google-able) but instead the mindset barriers:
  • Am I good enough?
  • Am I qualified enough?
  • It feels so overwhelming!
  • I’m worried what people will think.
  • Will people ever care what I have to say?
  • What if I fail?
  • What if I embarrass myself?
  • Am I smart enough? A good enough writer?
  • Who am I to do this thing??!
Second-guessing ourselves, doubting ourselves, worrying about how we’re perceived by others, wondering if we are good enough every second … is exhausting.

And while those feelings are normal, they are a huge distraction from what we say we want, which is to create something bigger.

When I am confident and trust myself, I don’t need to constantly worry about if I’m good enough, I just need the steps. I just need to implement. Overwhelm goes away. Worry goes away. Stress over outcomes goes away because I know I am good enough, I am trying my best and I am strong enough and capable enough to let the chips fall.

I noticed over the last few years in my annual 11-month mentorship, the Best of You Coaching Club, that the first couple months of the program, we spent a lot of time working through the mindset barriers that are holding us back from getting the things done we say we want. It’s only after we give ourselves a million pep talks that the implementation begins happening.

So this year, I am cutting out the middle man.

I don’t want to waste time on the mental aerobics anymore. I want to overcome those barriers so it’s not “can I do it?” but “how do I do it?”

And so, in the spirit of getting these big mindset obstacles out of the way as fast as possible—working through them quickly so that we can get as confidence and as competent as we need to be to actually achieve the things we say we want (!!!), I’m rolling out the most robust FREE training I’ve ever created: #ActionAcademy.

#ActionAcademy is for those who want to take action on something bigger than themselves—career, online business, relationships, personal development, etc (like my brother says, “making moves.”) but feel held back by what-if’s and am-I-good-enough’s:

This isn’t just for fitness professionals, it’s for anyone who is scared to take action on the thing they say they want. They have something inside of them—they know it—but they continue to not take action because they’re scared.

I’ve been there. The 500+ women I have coached over the last 5 years in BOY have been there.

So I am taking all the lessons and mindset shifts I have practiced and putting them into the #ActionAcademy curriculum.

I’ll be asking you to put yourself on the hook even more. I’ll be challenging you and giving you short homework assignments so that you can gain the evidence you need to know that you are, in fact, good enough right now, you just need to see it for yourself.

The name of the game is action. And we’re gonna do a lot of it! ;)

#ActionAcademy begins October 11th, get all the details right here.

Even if you’re not sure exactly if it’s for you, there’s zero risk in enrolling (it’s free!), why not expose yourself to the kinds of tools and strategies that can help you get confident in many areas of your life? Even if it’s not online fitness business for you—that’s fine. There will be plenty of applicable education.

Let me know if you have any questions!


P.S. If you have a friend or family member who you think could use the #ActionAcademy training, it would be a huge favor to me if you’d forward this email to her ;) TY! xo