moderation is just an excuse to eat what you want😂

Published: Sun, 11/27/16

Hey ,

As you know, I am a huge proponent of #moderation365, meaning eating the exact same way—satisfied and not stuffed—every single day of the year. Eating the same way on Saturday that you do on Monday. Eating the same on vacation and holidays. Eating the same whether at a restaurant, at home or someone else’s house.

And when I say “eat the same,” I don’t necessarily mean the same exact foods—flashback to eating a Tupperware of 99% ground turkey mixed with salsa in a mall parking lot, ugh—I mean eating to achieve the same feeling.

And that feeling is … never deprived, but also never stuffed.

It took me years to move from all-or-nothing dieter, constantly needing to be “on plan,” to someone who eats #moderation365. I didn’t just wake up and BOOM, all food issues gone! I worked at it, using tools like Intermittent Sampling, honing an #AbundanceMindset, preemptive cheats, eating to 80% fullness, showing myself compassion and practicing a ton of mindfulness.

But 5 years later, I can honestly say I haven’t felt deprived nor have I binged in all that time.

So when someone says that moderate eating is just an excuse to eat what you want, I actually agree.

Taste and enjoyment are compliance tools. I know that if I don’t on some level enjoy how I am eating and like the food, then I won’t be eating like that for long.

But here’s what gets missed: moderation isn’t about eating with abandon (that’s ironically the result of all-or-nothing practices and even more stressful!). Moderate eating is about being okay with never, ever eating “perfectly” again.

In fact, imperfect eating should be the goal.

And when it is, over time, you stop feeling a huge compulsion to binge, because you feel the abundance of being able to taste any food any time. You get to the weekend or to a holiday or to your vacation, and you don’t feel the need to “relax” with food because you’ve been relaxed about your food the whole time.

So when people say, “It’s the holidays! Loosen up, just eat what you want!” the thing that gets missed is: YOU ALREADY DO eat what you want.

In the past, I’d have approached the holidays one of 2 ways: 1) super strict dieting because I was prepping for a competition or a photo shoot, or I simply didn’t trust myself to be “off plan.” OR 2) saying eff it, shutting my brain off, eating huge quantities of junk food, getting super bloated, hating myself and then vowing to “start fresh” on January 1st.

Both of these scenarios perpetuates the all-or-nothing mentality. It’s the mindset of someone who will continue to struggle. It’s the mindset of someone who will remain obsessed with food, and never feel like her eating is good enough (or her body for that matter).

No thanks! And no more.

This holidays season, I’m giving the big middle finger to strict approaches, BUT ALSO total mindlessness because both are obsessive and stressful in their own ways.

And I want you to come on the journey. For the next 4 weeks, we’ll be navigating the middle every single meal, staying mindful and we’ll also be going strong in the gym—consistent AF.

The 4-Week #treadLIFT and #moderation365 Coaching Program begins THIS TUESDAY. You can get all the details HERE.

You don’t have to buy a bunch of food, prep it or follow a meal plan. This isn’t that kind of coaching program. And that would certainly not fly during the holidays. So no stress.

Instead, we are going to be working through a brand new #treadLIFT programming calendar I created for the next 4 weeks, and I will be asking for your daily check-ins on our private community page. The accountability is going to be through the roof. Two of my JillFit Ambassadors will be moderating the coaching group—I trust then 100%--and I will be jumping in to share tools, strategies and my own workouts, in addition to doing weekly FB LIVE streams and nutrition and Q&A webinars every Tuesday.

Begins in 3 days!

Let me know if you have any questions.


P.S. And yes, even if you already own #treadLIFT, you can still get access to the coaching, programming and live trainings. Get all those details on this page.

P.P.S. If you’ve already signed up, I’d love for you to forward this email to ONE PERSON you think would benefit from this program, or who you might like to join you, since we are going to be staying accountable to one another. Gonna be awesome!