this fired me up big-time

Published: Fri, 12/16/16

Happy Friday ,

A quick reminder up that the deadline to enroll in the Best of You (BOY) Education-only option—my 11-month online fitness business mentorship—is THIS Sunday December 18th, and I want to make sure you have a chance to get a spot, since I only launch once a year (right now!).

I actually wasn’t planning on emailing you today, but I woke up kind of pissed about about something and I needed to share it with you.

A month ago, I saw a Facebook ad come through my newsfeed. It was from an internet marketer who was promising to help you “Create an online fitness membership site in 7 minutes!”

Okay, objectively I think, that’s a nice service. But at the same time, I feel this huge fairness button inside of me get pushed because while many of my Best of You women have indeed built fitness membership programs, marketing it as if it alone makes a business, is a huge disservice.

Making it seem like success is just 7 minutes away is incredibly misleading to those who want to move into the online fitness space. It's the exact same thing as promising a client a 30-lb. weight loss in 30 days. 

You don’t throw a membership program and a BUY button up on your site and immediately start killing it. The program itself is not the crux of the business. Infrastructure is important when it’s time to create it, but without clients, traffic or TRUST there’s no one there to want the service.

You see, online business isn’t about the nuts and bolts. If it was, everyone would be successful overnight.

Instead, it’s about creating a solid base of trust with potential clients and adding remarkable value all the time. Sharing your content, being the friend, being the teacher. Having solutions for people—some for free, some for an email address, and yes, some for money. But we don’t get to charge money for something until we’ve earned the trust of a handful of people. Or hundreds of people. Or thousands.

You don’t start with a fitness membership site. You start with value.

And it’s misleading to those who want to move from being an in-person trainer to an online trainer to leave out all the steps in between.

Sure, have all the software capabilities you want, but without trust and with zero traffic (because no one knows you yet), you don’t have a business.

With that being said, yes, it takes a lot of time and tons of energy and investment, but that’s what makes it so rewarding! And that’s also what makes it so rare.

Taking the time and energy to share yourself, your solutions and your expertise with the world day after day after day is hard! Not many people will have the audacity, or frankly just the tenacity, to do it.

And so, today’s short note is all about expectations and transparency. I want you to know that I will always tell you how it is. I won’t ever make it seem like all the success you could ever want it’s just one BUY button way.

What you can always expect from me is this: I will show you shortcuts that I’ve discovered through my own journey with JillFit and Metabolic Effect, as well as with the hundreds of women who have gone through the BOY program over the last 5 years. The education will provide you the most transparency possible at every turn. It will help you hone your success mindset, own your worth and it will challenge you to take massive action even when you are scared shitless.

But I won’t ever say that it will come easy.  

And it will be precisely because of that, that a year from now, 5 years from now, 15 years from you, you will be experiencing more fulfillment, joy and sense of purpose than ever before.

Easy is earned.

And online business isn’t about the bells and whistles, it’s about creating a trust platform that you can tap anytime you want, after you have paid your dues in time, effort and tremendous value-adds.

And so. The Best of You education might be for you. It might not. But regardless, I hope that if nothing else, you know that you can trust me to share with you the real BTS and to share with you the insight, tools and inspiration necessary to continue to work toward whatever it is you want to create.

And please don’t fall for that ad! Loooololol.

Hope you’re having a fabulous Friday, and I’m looking forward to seeing your registration come in this weekend!
