this has been on my fridge for the last 18 months

Published: Thu, 12/15/16

Hi ,

Two Julys ago, I packed up all my stuff and drove cross-country to Los Angeles from North Carolina. Plenty of personal and professional reasons brought me out to LA, but I haven’t looked back since. The past 18 months have been an intense time of growth, progress and transcendence. I am grateful for all of it.

When I left, my friend Joyce, who is a super talented artist and calligrapher gave me a little token to take with me, and I have cherished it every since, displaying it proudly on my fridge as a most powerful reminder:

This is something I asked her to write for me because it reminds me in those moments when I am feeling scared or struggling or uncertain or lonely that I always have a choice in how I choose to show up.

One of the ways that I have trained myself to turn around those negative feelings is to
  1. Give myself a few minutes to actually recognize them, feel them, acknowledge where they are coming from (normally my insecurity and fear of not being in control, which is a normal human response). And then …
  2. Choose something more productive.
I call this: getting clinical and then getting busy.

The fastest way to feel in my power and emotionally resilient is to take action.

When we feel emotionally stagnant, we tend to stop doing the things we love, we tend to become paralyzed with fear and we stop being productive.

You have heard me say it before that action immediately puts us back in the driver’s seat. The answer is to move. In any way. Do anything different right now.

Even across the country, ha! Jjkjkjkj

Action can be scary though! I get that. What if we do the wrong thing? What if we get called out? What if people get upset? What if we don’t know what we’re doing and look like an idiot? What if we end up alone or our friends/family don’t support us?

All valid considerations, but also all huge obstacles to transcending and accomplishing the things we say we want.

So how do you own your power, even when you are feeling at your most powerless?

You get aware and then make a choice to show up in the most powerful way possible, even when sometimes it’s the last thing you want to do.

Let’s try some examples:

My friends and family think I’m nuts for starting a blog or online business.
Your powerful response: Show up with the conviction and confidence and be the example that following your dreams is possible.
The tool: Conviction.

You are embarking on the #moderation365 journey and everyone is judging your food choices.
Your powerful response: Own your process and be as open about your struggles and successes as possible. Write about it, share your successes and missteps in a super honest way. Show others the process is not simple but that you are courageous enough to try a new way.
The tool: Authenticity.

You write a blog and some trolls show up to tell you you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Your powerful response: If it’s rude, you delete and ban, no questions. Or, if you are interested in moving into the discussion, use it as an opportunity to show all those who are watching and who love your stuff that you can handle criticism with grace and kindness. My go-to start: “Thank you, I am going to assume that your response was made in an effort to positively add to this discussion so I will answer your question as I see it …”
The tool: Confidence.

You want to share with your romantic partner some things that are on your mind, but you are scared they are going to be mad or you are scared of their response.
Your powerful play: You tell them ahead of time that you are scared to share this because it makes you feel vulnerable, but that you know in the interest of the relationship, it’s important and ask if they can hold space for you?
The tool: Vulnerability.

You give your two weeks notice at your job and your boss is pissed.
Your powerful response: Know inside that his/her response only solidified that you made the right decision, and you were right to trust yourself. And then take the high road, sharing your truth about how you feel, and then saying you are sorry to put them in a bind but that you have to do what you need to for you and your family.
The tool: Honesty.

Ask, “What is the most powerful response I can have if this were to transpire?”

And remember, a response is “powerful” if it leaves you feeling relieved, honest/open, in your power and in a position to do what you need to for you.

To me, being in my power means being in my integrity.

Ask, “Did I act in accordance to my internal moral code? Did I allow the other person to have their response, and did I speak my truth?”

When you come at things from this angle, there doesn’t need to be any hard feelings, hurts, expectations or resentment. Remember, we’ll only feel those things when we act in a way that is not true for us.

We hold grudges because we have not cleared the air. We feel resentful when we don’t speak our truth. We feel bitter when we are still holding out expectations for others.

Acting powerfully is a choice.

And if we just focus on doing that, those struggle-town moments can come as much as they please because we trust we have an arsenal full of self-trust, confidence and competency.

Gals, a reminder that THIS SUNDAY, December 18th is the last day to get in on the Best of You Education-Only option for 2017.  This is a full, robust 11-month curriculum in all things mindset, body and business. You can check out the complete curriculum HERE.

If you are ready to invest in elevating your online platform in 2017, this program is the most economical way to begin getting your feet wet and get your hands on all the latest and greatest strategies in online fitness business (financing available too!).

After the 18th, BOY wont open again until 2018. So grab your spot here, begins Monday January 2nd.

Let me know if you have any questions and keep crushing!
