this fun thing I’m doing (nutrition stuff for you)

Published: Tue, 01/17/17

, last week, I was browsing New Year’s resolution memes online (as one does) and came across this:
After I stopped LOL’ing (for reasons I’ll tell you in a second), it inspired me to do a quickie free 10-day social media posting blitz (Instagram and Facebook) all about learning how to both normalize and neutralize food. I coined it #10DayBeNormalBlitz in the spirit of learning how to quit viewing food as all-or-nothing and start being able to eat healthy without the anxiety and obsession that often comes with years of dieting baggage.

“Being normal” around food is really just taking away its power, and not putting foods up on pedestals where we’re scared of certain ones, or of certain situations, or trying to control every thing every second. Or being worried about messing everything up every second and gaining 50 lbs overnight.

Whether justified or not, when you are deep in that dieting mindset—backed by years and years of struggle—it can feel like the twilight zone. And it also can feel really lonely. Which is why when I started sharing my personal struggles with food obsession online back in 2011, it was surprising how many people started reaching out to me to say they had the exact same experience: “It’s like you are reading my mind!”

We are truly all in this journey together. The most specific story is also the most universal, I have found. So I am just going to keep calling it all out, as a service and hope that we can all elevate together.

And so we’re taking the road back to “normal.” And that road can be tricky, especially if you, like me, spent years in food obsession—counting and measuring grams/cals/points/ounces/minutes/hours, etc. and constantly worried about what you are/are eating/are going to eat. It can be tough and disorienting to unlearn a lot of old control mechanisms and automatic responses and paradigms around food.

So, the #10DayBeNormalBlitz will consist of a daily post where I teach one single tool or strategy that has helped me and my clients go from all-or-nothing to #moderation365.

You can view days 1, 2 and 3, which are already posted, here on IG and here on FB.

Here’s how it works:

You don’t have to do anything to get the insights except follow on social media and search the hashtag #10DayBeNormalBlitz.

The first #Day1 post was for the meme above. I find that when the options are to laugh or cry at a situation, the better option is to LOOLOL, so when it comes to food obsession, I’m going to keep shining a spotlight on the ridiculousness that we all (me included!) have tried all in the name of dieting, weight loss and feeling as though we're good enough.

It’s not to belittle the struggle, because #struggleisreal, but instead because food obsession, in my experience, is a bell-shaped curve of information overload.

Think about it. You start with zero nutritional awareness and seemingly eat normal and barely think about food. And then at some point, you get a taste of dieting or body change or learn some biochemistry, and suddenly you can’t get enough. You're searching out every little tip, reading blog after blog only to become completely obsessed and even paralyzed bc you're worried you're messing up every second.

And then—and here’s where it gets really good—after all that, at some point normally years later, you come out on the other side of that obsessive fog and realize that those million little tips and to-do’s you gathered are all one huge distraction, and 90% of them don’t move the dial at all, so fuck them.

You see that knowing yourself is everything and that implementing a few big dial-movers consistently is all you need to eat normally and not stress tf out about every tiny detail.

It’s liberating. It’s #FoodObsessionFreedom, or like a friend of mine says, #NutritionalNirvana. Yes, please.

 And so, I am going to take you on that journey, ready?

I hope you check out the posts, tag your friends who need the messages and tools (and to not feel like they’re the only ones going through the craziness) and learn something. And as always, I welcome your feedback.

Have a great week!


P.S. Some more important stuff coming up for you:

I’m hosting a free live webinar training with Jen Sinkler and Kourtney Thomas next Tuesday Jan 24thyou can register free HERE. We’ll be taking your questions and talking all things exercise, fat loss, muscle building and body change. You don’t want to miss it, it’s going to be good! I’ll also be promoting Jen and Kourtney’s #BignessProject program next week—it’s for muscle gain, and talking a whole lot about muscle maturity and why, the more you have, the easier it is to stay lean (and also, IMO, look sexy AF ;))

My 4-Week Food Obsession Boot Camp course opens next week as well—I only open it once a year for enrollment and that time is January 24th. If you love the kinds of insights I’ll be sharing on social over the next 10 days, you’ll want to get the full education, with video trainings, email course material and a billion more examples so you can learn to dissipate the hold that food can have over you. It’s literally every single tool, strategy and story over the last 5 years that I’ve accumulated to go from all-or-nothing dieter to eating the same healthy diet every single day of the year. I’ll be offering free enrollment into this course for anyone who registers for #Bigness, FYI. Just keep it on your mental calendar.

Let me know if you have any questions! Xo