8-minute yoga you can do in your PJs

Published: Wed, 03/01/17

Hi ,

As promised, I’m sharing a sample video from Wildfire today – part of Neghar Fonooni’s latest creation: 21 days of shorty 5-8 min yoga flows for people who don’t love yoga (who knows, you might actually start enjoying it and looking forward to it, when it feels more accessible like this!).

Check out the video HERE or click on the image below (skip to 3:00 to start the flow).
The best things about these flows are that:
  1. You don’t have to be super flexible. As you’ll see in the video, my own personal range of motion is not great. I’m fine with it, but the movements are not super advanced, anyone can do them regardless of how much experience you have in yoga.
  2. The short length of the workouts makes them super accessible. The biggest challenge, I find, like most, is that we either don’t have the time or don’t make the time for stretching. We know we need to do it, but the activation energy is takes to find, go to and then do a 60-90-minute yoga class is so high that it just never happens.
  3. There are 21 flows (for $21!), to help you create a habit. The idea is that when you begin doing them daily, you’re able to not only make stretching a habit, but you actually start enjoying them enough that you look forward to them, and they help you get centered for your day. I’ve been doing them in the morning, while the coffee is brewing.
If you are someone who loves yoga and regularly attends classes, this program isn’t for you.

Wildfire is for women who, like me, knowwww they need to stretch more (!!!), but just always end up prioritizing lifting and cardio first, skimping on the stretching.

This is a program for gals who love to lift and get sweaty, but don’t do enough of the other stuff. This is for those who need to improve their flexibility but honestly just won’t go to a yoga class, no matter how much they want to, or know they “need to.”

Try the vid! Let me know what you think!

And if you’ve already grabbed Wildfire (over 200 of you already have!), let me know what you think so far. Reply and let me know, I’d love to hear from you.
