The Profile of a JillFit Reader (+ last day for Wildfire Yoga)

Published: Sun, 03/05/17

Hey ,

As I sat down to write this email, I had 3 things in mind to share with you—particularly 3 things that are all happening within the next 48 hours (scroll down to check them out).

BUT, right as I was opening up the Word document to type, it occurred to me--these 3 things represent the 3 parts of my business as the logo indicates: mindset, body and business. I’m grateful not only to able to talk about all 3, but that I am working with women at JillFit who want all 3.

I don’t know if you know this or not, buuuuut … the JillFit reader is elevated.


You are someone who is looking for more, wants to level up her life in all ways, and isn’t afraid to do the work—whether physical or mental—to get there.

I know this because I have been deep in market research for the last couple months, working on a few big projects and it’s important to me to know who I am talking to and working with. And also so that I can continue to create quality content—in the form of social media posts, blogs and these email newsletters, for example.

Soooo, wanna know more about you? Lol. Here we go:
  • Intelligent and savvy, interested in continuing to learn and grow
  • Desires a deep experience of life—willing to do the work necessary to create her dream life
  • Cares for others deeply but also interested in creating time for herself, physically and emotionally
  • Open-minded and works to be nonjudgmental (towards self and others)
  • Balances self-acceptance with striving for more
  • Craves elevated awareness, and works to ditch the Victim Mentality and take #RadicalResponsibility for her life
  • Wants to live a balanced, moderate lifestyle, enjoy life but also challenge herself
  • Passionate about health and fitness, and interested in helping others with theirs
  • Willing to invest time, energy and money into the things she cares about
So, you see, none of us can be lumped into one single thing, like meathead or career woman or spiritual gangster. We are all, all.

Which is pretty frigging amazing. Good job👏🏼

So, real quick then, I want to share with you 3 things that I know you’ll be interested in—one mindset, one body and one business:
  1. Today is the final day to grab your copy of Neghar’s Wildfire Yoga at 50% off (only $21 for 21 shorty 5-8 min yoga flows). You can get it HERE. Lots of people asking if you get it forever or if access goes away. You get it forever once you purchase. You can do them all consecutively, 21 days straight, or like I am doing them, and cherry-picking flows every 2-3 days. Yes, I am technically categorizing this as a #Mindset share because the flows are great for centering you in your day, and will have a huge impact on your productivity. The sale price goes away tonight at midnight.

  2. The next FREE #FastPhysique beta workout is going out via email TOMORROW to all those who have opted in to get these weekly workouts. If you are not on the list to receive them, you can add yourself here. The feedback has been great so far (lots of praise but also super useful suggestions for improvement, too, so thank you). #Body

  3. The #PassionToPlatform 2-hour virtual seminar is tomorrow (Monday) night! It’s a live business workshop for fitness pros who want to learn how to leverage the online space to get out of the gym, build their platform and make a bigger impact on the internet. #Business -- I’ll be laying out a 12-week implementation strategy for you to follow, so you can start making some important strides. The $27 price tag is a no-brainer, especially since all those registered will be getting the recording after the fact (even if you can’t make it). Enroll in #PassionToPlatform HERE.
Let me know if you have any questions about any of this, and hope that you are having a great weekend doing whatever funsies you are up to. Me? A long brunch with a side of work, as usual ;)

Talk soon!
