Addressing nutrition concerns + #FastPhysique

Published: Thu, 04/06/17

Hi ,

Okay, there’s just 36 hours left to grab #FastPhysique before I pull it from the shelves. Over 1000 gals are already off and running with it and I cannot wait to see how they do!

I also added some of your #FastPhysique photos to my JillFit album on Facebook, here, so if you’ve been tagging me, you’re probably up there! Check them out. And if you haven’t tagged me yet on Instagram, please do. Can't wait to see you in action!

The last day to get your membership for #FastPhysique is tomorrow (Friday) so if you’re waiting, now is the time. You can do that here.

Okay, so today I want to talk about nutrition.

Nutrition is a huge component of our results, and it’s probably the most confusing part of all of this. How do you eat for body change? Should you count? Measure? Follow 20 rules? Don’t do anything?

So I want to give you some perspective and insight about how I see nutrition when you are doing something like #FastPhysique or any new training program.

Your body will change regardless.

Keeping your nutrition the same as it is right now, and then adding in the intensity and volume of #FastPhysique, your body will look different. It has the training impetus to change.

But changing any aspect of your process, whether it’s volume, frequency, intensity, mode of exercise, movement patterns, etc., is not benign.

Which can be good and not-so-good. It’s beneficial because it forces your metabolism to respond, but also potentially disorienting because it might throw off things like hunger and cravings and destabilize your energy.

If you have ever increased your cardio, you’ve probably had this experience: hunger and cravings go through the roof and all of a sudden you’re doing everything you can to prevent yourself from eating everything every second.

I get it, and have been there, but there are some things you can do to mitigate it.

A few things you need to know:
  • #FastPhysique focuses on weight-training, mostly. Which means you’ll experience those compensatory responses less than if you’d just jacked up your cardio (the relative cortisol response, which impacts hunger and cravings, in long-duration cardio is more pronounced than in weight-based training).

  • My advice is to change one variable at a time. Meaning, if you are starting #FastPhysique, your metabolism is already being challenged to change. And it will. So I don’t recommend changing a whole bunch of nutrition at the same time as it then becomes harder to pinpoint what exactly is working versus not. Start by eating #moderation365, focusing on feeling satisfied (not stuffed) daily and liking how you’re eating.

  • Use this as a practice in mindfulness. If your hunger and/or cravings change or increase as a result of the volume and intensity of #FastPhysique, then just … watch. Observe. Stay aware.  If you notice those changes, don’t freak out, just get clinical. How can you feel more satiated? Can you increase your protein intake (important for recovery from these workouts, too)? Can you increase your veggie (fiber) intake? Can you sprinkle in some more satisfying foods throughout the week to take the edge off cravings, preemptive cheating-style?

  • And finally, eat for maximum recovery. You have to fuel your body to prevent overtraining. That doesn’t mean you go hog-wild, but it does mean that you might have to have an additional snack every day. Increase your protein some. If you are eating enough, you will be able to get up and train again tomorrow because you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to repair and recover.
The last thing I want you to do is go crazy with this. It’s a process, and if you start counting and measuring every little thing you are eating, you will drive yourself crazy and the sheer STRESS of all of that will outdo the benefits, lol.

So relax into the process, stay mindful, watch how your body responds to this new way of training. And adjust as needed, with small changes, not sweeping ones. You have plenty of time to figure all this out.

If you are doing #FastPhysique, your body will change regardless. So my recommendation is not to change anything with your nutrition for now. If you are eating #moderation365 at least 90% of the time, then you are there already, let’s not mess with it.

Nutrition can be a tricky thing, but making too many changes all at once will completely throw you off and make it hard to monitor what is actually working. So, don’t. Trust yourself. Trust the process. And if you do decide to change your nutrition, just start with one variable, not 12.

Hopefully this gives you some insight into how to manage your eating while doing #FastPhysique. Nothing drastic. Just get up, train hard, eating normally and … watch. You can always change things up later if need be.

The last thing I want is for this to become an obsessive thing. It should be enjoyable. And it should be fun to go off in the gym every day. Train hard, eat to recover and fuel. And then do it again tomorrow.

Ok! So grab #FastPhysique today or tomorrow (Friday) end-of-day if you want to get started on your physique journey. Doors close at midnight.

Let me know if you have any questions!
