Last chance – #FastPhysique closes in a few hours

Published: Fri, 04/07/17


I wanted to send you one last reminder that the 9-Week Total Body Change Blueprint program, #FastPhysique closes tonight at midnight PST.

I got a really interesting response to my post on social media yesterday where I shared some current photos and my height (5’7”) and weight (162 lbs). Lots of kind words, but also lots of women saying, “I weigh less than you, but I don’t look like that.”

Here’s the thing, and an important distinction: the purpose of sharing photos on social media is not so that we can all feel badly about where we are, and compare ourselves to others—although that’s natural, if not a complete trap.

The purpose, at least my purpose, is to show people that your weight is arbitrary. My ultimate goal is to expose the real truth, which is that a number has zero to do with:

a) what you physically look like (lots of people thought I looked like I weighed less than 162 lbs)
b) what kind of person you are
c) how worthy you are of things like respect, love and affirmation

You already are worthy, it’s inherent. Nothing can take that away from you. And certainly not a dress size.

But weight keeps being this random thing we attach ourselves to, at the expense of seeing all the other ways we can feel affirmed and approved of, like our kindness, service, creative abilities, friendship and more.

So, just a heads up – if you're gonna do #FastPhysique, your body is going to change. Your “look” will be different, because you’re going to have more muscle, you might lose inches in other places, you’ll get strong AF and people will notice.

I don’t know what will happen to your weight—it might go up, it might stay the same or it might go down. But the more important question to be asking is: why do we fucking care??

If the goal is to look more athletic, like someone who actually trains with weights, and attain a more defined physique, then who cares where the number lands?

This is a mindset shift for sure. But more relevantly, it’s a mindset up-level.

If you are ready unapologetically sport an athletic body, work your ass off in the gym, and wear the confidence to match it, then #FastPhysique is for you.

Closes at midnight, and I actually don’t know when I’ll be opening it up again. But remember, you have lifetime access so you can grab it today and start whenever you are ready.

If you have any last-minute questions, let me know!


If you wanna see what some women are saying about the workouts, be sure to head over to the info page, HERE, to read some testimonials or search the #FastPhysique hashtag on Instagram :)