This is all about you

Published: Thu, 05/11/17

Hi ,

Okay, today is about you. Or more specifically, me getting to KNOW YOU better.

I am actually looking for 60s of your time, to give me some suuuuuper useful feedback about your own nutrition journey.

What do you think? Are you game?

I have something pretty big planned for #moderation365 and I can’t do it without your help.

I put together a quickie quick survey for you, right here (it’s anonymous!).

If you can take the time to complete it, it would be a huge favor to me, and it's a win-win because I get to learn about you, and how I can continue to serve you.

I receive emails from women weekly telling about the good, bad and ugly of their nutrition journey, and I keep every single one of those emails because each person’s story—while similar in some ways—is unique. We begin with different mentalities, we learn different things about eating at different points, and then finally, FINALLY, we have an insight.

And that TURN is what I am interested in teasing out—the one or two biggest insights you’ve had as it pertains to moving from all-or-nothing dieter to someone who eats #moderation365.

If you are not there yet, no stress, remember it takes time (took me 3 years!), but the key is in the constant engagement and practice. If you wanna know what my first 6 months looked like, you can read about that here.

So, the survey is for me to get a peek at your unique insights, and to basically learn what has worked for you and where you are in the nutrition journey.

Cool? Cool.

Again, you can take the survey right here (100% anonymously). It takes no time at all.

Next a couple things I want to make you aware of:

1) The FREE Women’s Strength Summit (virtual classroom) begins next week, and you can still sign up for free, here. Steph Gaudreau of StupidEasyPaleo hosts the event, and I was honored to be ask to speak again this year. Steph and I chat all about exercise, nutrition and even some fitness business. When you grab your free spot in the summit, you also get access to dozens of other female speakers dropping knowledge bombs on everything from natural medicine to lifestyle to mindset and more. Get yours here.

2) Re: FITNESS BUSINESS. I’ve been doing tons of in-person fitness business masterminds over the last few months, and my DM on Instagram is blowing up with gals asking about them. Well, since Best of You does not launch again until November, I wanted to let you know about an event I am doing in August in NYC, called the Structured Business Summit, along with peers in the industry, Mark Fisher (of Mark Fisher Fitness), Sol Orwell (of Examine dot com), Pete Dupris (of Cressey Performance) and hosted by Kevin Dineen, owner of Structure Fitness Center in Manhattan. You can get all the details here, buuuuut just a heads up that several of the JillFit Mastermind members are going, and we might even be putting on a second ½ day workshop and meetup the day after, so get that on your mental calendar too. I hope to see you this summer! There’s nothing like IRL face time
3) Finally, as promised, I am going to take care of you re: fitness with several different options for post-#FastPhysique (most of us are in week #4 or 5 now!), which I will be announcing next week. So stay tuned.

Short one today. One main ask (pretty please)—complete this quickie survey, it would mean a lot to me, ty!

As always, let me know if you need anything!
