Instagram Stories (+ LAST DAY for early discount for Radiance Retreat)

Published: Fri, 05/05/17

Hey ,

A couple things today.

One, a quick heads up that today is the final day to get the early bird discounted pricing for The Radiance Retreat in-person event with Neghar Fonooni, Jen Sinkler and I, this June 16-18th. You can find all the details here, and we only have a couple spots left TOTAL so be sure to grab yours today if you have been waiting.

And two, are you watching Instagram stories yet?

If you have Instagram, it’s the small circles across the top row when you log in. I like to refer to it as as the Snapchat for adults, where you get play-by-plays and in real time updates from your friends, peers and even celebrities (I don’t really follow any, except The Rock because let’s be honest😍).

I have come to love both using and watching IG stories because it’s so REAL. It’s raw, no script and minimal filters. And if you follow Neghar or Jen, you see that it can actually be really FUNNY too—a way to express yourself in the new medium of stories and reality TV--but from people you want to see. I just love it.

A few months ago, I was scrolling through some IG stories from some of my peers in the industry, and I stumbled across a bunch of synchronized stories from fitness pros Jess Oar, Amber Mikaelsson, Kourtney Thomas, Julie Read, Rachel Black Graves and Allison Tenney, who were all together in Las Vegas masterminding and working.

My face lit up with the biggest smile because ALL THESE WOMEN MET AT THE RADIANCE RETREAT.

And now, 2-3 years later, they are all doing big things in the fitness industry, supporting one another and upleveling together. It was an absolute pleasure to see because I know that they, together, are affecting change for so many more women all over the world!

The impact of in-person events and especially ones where the attendance is kept low (<50 women) and each and every gal is seen and appreciated for exactly who she is, is real.

The Radiance Retreat is not some big conference you attend, get excited while you’re there, just to get home and go right back to not doing anything.

If you so choose, the Radiance Retreat can change your life.

Not because Jen, Neg and I are doing anything special except providing a space for you (albeit in sunny LA, tho lol), but because YOU get to connect with other women all over the world who are just like you—who want more, who want to take bigger action, who want to start a business or elevate in their personal fitness and most importantly, who want to support and challenge one another.

It’s hard to feel inspired when you’re sitting by yourself behind your computer in rural North Carolina (I know because I did exactly that for years) and no one around you really gets it. And it’s hard to feel connected and pull the trigger to do more when you don’t have the support of others who have either done it already, or who are also game to level up.

Radiance Retreat provides the support, inspiration and even the exact know-how to create something amazing for yourself—a life you love, a skill you want to master, a business you want to start, or even just a community of amazing friends all over the country.

And yes, because of things like IG stories and Facebook and Skype, we all get to stay connected and support one another long after the event is over.

So. You in?

The 3-day event is June 16-18th in Venice Beach, CA and we talk business, we do fitness and we engage in mindset work. Plus, we eat tacos and drink wine (or whatever your drink of choice).

You don’t need to “get ready” to come. You are ready right this second. You will be accepted right this second. So long as you are open, you will connect within minutes at the event.

Get your Early Bird spot right here – closes at midnight, and there are only a handful of spots left so we'll be shutting down registration as soon as they fill up.

If you have any questions, let me know. I hope to see you there!

P.S. Click on the video image below to get a sneak peek of what happens at The Radiance Retreat!