I love this, don’t you? Such an incredible mindset.
If you have not seen Chrissy’s incredible weight loss transformation photos as a result of getting into powerlifting, you can see them here.
But here’s something that I think we often get backwards, at least in my experience:
Loving your body as a mantra is hard. For example, telling yourself to look in the mirror for an hour and repeat, “I love myself,” might work. It’s certainly better than nothing, and I do
love me some journaling and gratitude practice.
But what I believe is even more effective is practicing body love FIRST through action. Treating your body like you do love it already, through training.
And to me, weight training is the gateway.
I was just having this conversation with Chrissy 2 days ago (I’ll be sharing our full interview tomorrow): I don’t know what weird, crazy, iron
magic happens, but once you start training with weights, everything changes. Your self-perception changes. Your self-efficacy (your perception of your ability to do bigger things) increases. You feel successful, not only in the gym, but uh, as a human being in other areas of your life.
It’s a strange transformation, but one where an increase in physical strength likewise increases your mental strength. You are somehow mentally tougher. You adopt the belief that you can
handle stuff and most importantly, you find an appreciation for your physical body that you never knew:
Like, hello muscle, nice to see you👋🏼
Okay, so a couple things:
1) Has this ever happened to you? You look back at an old photo and wonder, what was I thinking, I looked amazing!! I’d love to hear about it. Reply and tell me the full
2) If you are wanting to get stronger while also maintaining your conditioning,
grab #PowerConditioning by end of day tomorrow (Friday), when Chrissy is pulling it from the shelves. It’s for those who are curious about powerlifting and want to see the weight they’re lifting go up, but also want to add some metabolic
conditioning and some fast-paced stuff, too to maintain and maybe even get a little leaner.
Let me know if you have any questions and I can’t wait to read your stories of (mental) transformation! Give ‘em to