"Jill, I don't want to look like you" + LAST CHANCE for #PowerConditioning

Published: Fri, 05/19/17

Hey ,

Real quick! Today is the last day to grab a spot in Chrissy King’s #PowerConditioning program—an 11-week strength-based barbell program, combined with metabolic conditioning circuits and fat loss finishers.

If you have not seen how Chrissy herself, who, growing up was teased by her family for being a “weakling,” transformed her body using weight training alone (not cardio), then check out her awesome transformation pics. She transformed not only her body, but the transformation came with a kickass mindset shift, too:
Chrissy put the exact workouts and protocols she used into #PowerConditioning, so if you are looking to get stronger, while maintaining your level of leanness, this is a great program to follow #FastPhysique.

And right here, you can check out Chrissy and I chatting about the program, if you want more info.

Speaking of #FastPhysique, during the launch of the program last month, I received an email, one that I absolutely loved, from a reader:

“No offense, but I don't want to look like Jill. Is this workout a good fit for me?”

I loved this for 3 reasons:
  1. It’s honest.
  2. It honors one simple truth that I think sometimes gets forgotten, and that is: every woman has the right to work toward the body she wants.
  3. Everyone is entitled to their personal preference when it comes to aesthetics.
I didn’t take the slightest bit of offense to this, in fact, I thought it was awesome.

My body is not “ideal” for a lot of people. I personally love it, and I work hard for it, but I also don’t need anyone else to covet it or even like it.

And I also love that no one else needs my approval about their body. Of course they don’t.

One has nothing to do with the other. Every single body is unique and beautiful and worthy of appreciation regardless of aesthetic preferences. And every women deserves respect with zero qualifications.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t work hard in the gym in the ways that we enjoy.

And whether it’s #FastPhysique or #treadLIFT or #PowerConditioning (that’s a lot of hashtags!) or some other program, the end results will be whatever you put into it, and no two bodies will respond the exact way to training:

One woman might gain 10 lbs of muscle, another might gain 2 lbs, another might lose 10 lbs of fat, another might not lose any.

The idea that two people will get the exact same results is misguided. There are various other inputs that matter: genetics, sleep, stress, nutrition, recovery, mindset, etc.

And finally, also remember you can always change directions. If you don’t like what a certain routine is doing to your body, you can always change things up, anytime. It takes patience and resiliency and self-compassion and a whole lot of self-love along the way, but nothing is ever irreversible.

Do you, boo.

Train how you like.

Look how you want.

But just love the heck out of yourself through it all.

#PowerConditioning closes tonight! Grab your spot here, if you are ready to get stronger and see dem numbers going up on the barbell!

Let me know if you have any questions!
