There's no sustainable nutrition + training without this

Published: Wed, 05/31/17

Hi ,

Today I want to share why I'm still talking about mindset 6 years later.

I’ll never forget the moment I started incorporating mindset into my brand messages at JillFit.

It was January 2011, three months after I’d launched, and up until that point all articles were recipes, workouts or nutrition strategies. But, that January, something happened in my personal life that threw me for a loop (or, slapped me in the face, however you want to look at it), and I remember not knowing where to turn for help or insight.

I actually went to Barnes and Noble’s Self-Help section, and remember being legit embarrassed. Like, I hope no one sees me here, they’ll think I have problems!

Loolol. Well, I actually did have problems, ha! Ones that I needed help with😂

I didn’t want to talk to anyone about what I was dealing with, should they think I wasn’t perfect, and so I turned to the readers at JillFit, and shared my most vulnerable post up until that point.

The response I received as a result was a turning point in the business.

From there, I became obsessed with talking about all things mindset because I saw that while I could dish the tactical tools and strategies for fat loss, it didn’t touch the impact I could have when a reader felt understood, felt like they weren’t alone, and like hey, none of us are perfect, so let’s just try to show ourselves some kindness while doing all this stuff, shall we??

Well for this lot of reforming perfectionists, it was tough!

But over time, year and years on now, we have a massively deep community of women all wanting to up-level their fitness, health, personal development and even relationships and business. So while I do believe that weight training and physical strength is the gateway to confidence and self-efficacy in other areas of our lives, there’s nothing quite as powerful of our thoughts.

Put simply, your mindset is just your perspective.

Your mindset is how you choose to view yourself, the world and what’s going on around you.

Sometimes we choose the Victim Mindset. Sometimes we choose the Martyr Mindset. Sometimes we choose the Avoidance Mindset. I pretty much lived in these 3 for the first 29 years of my life.

And other times, after a whole lot of practice and awareness, we sometimes choose the Empowered Mindset.

The Empowered Mindset, to me, can be summed up simply via Byron Katie: “Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.”

In other words, the Empowered Mind acknowledges that ugh, this sucks, but I still have choices.

I can still choose practices like gratitude, or giving myself and others the benefit of the doubt, to show kindness to myself, or to empathize and to take actual action to move in a new direction.

No matter what happens, no one can ever take away our ability to respond in the way we choose, or act in the way we choose.

And here’s the key: the mindset you choose impacts your results. THIS is why mindset is so key when it comes to health and fitness. Your mindset determines your ability to implement.

Take self-compassion for example. It’s a choice to be kind to yourself, yes? Even when you overate or skipped your workout or went balls-out on the weekend. You can a) berate yourself and try to guilt yourself into just “being better,” which takes a ton of mental energy, OR b) you can simple acknowledge that hey, you slipped a bit but you can still get right back with the program at your next meal and with some additional clinical insight to be able to be more aware next time.

Two ways of viewing the exact same situation. Two different mindsets. And two different approaches which will yield two very different results. The latter takes up way less mental space so you can … wait for it … actually DO the things you need to in order to continue with your health goals!

Self-compassion (which is a perspective one chooses, or not) is a compliance tool.

I can give someone all the nutrition to-do’s and the best workouts all day long, but if they cannot implement because they’re too busy beating themselves up in their heads, then it won’t matter. Mindset is your implementation tool.

Your ability to choose an Empowered Mindset more often than not, is foretelling of your success.

So, with that being said, I am launching the 2nd annual FREE Mindset Month here at JillFit, starting tomorrow. The campaign is called #JuicyJourney.

Throughout the month of June, I'll be sharing a mindset tool, insight or story to the Jill Coleman Facebook page and my Instagram account every single day, June 1-30th.

And I want you to participate too, so that I can see all of your juiciest insights and mantras! Obviously participation is optional, but it’s a lot more fun when we can all search the #JuicyJourney hashtag on IG and share in one another’s lessons.

In addition, I’ll be sending out all my juiciest insights via weekly emails, so that’s why it’s so important to get on ze list (above link).

I look forward to your shares, and I am super pumped for this incredible community we're going to create together!

Let me know if you have any questions and let’s do this!
