30 Mindset tools (enclosed)

Published: Mon, 07/10/17

Hi ,

So I was only going to send this out to the #JuicyJourney participants, but I decided to send it out to everyone because that’s how important I believe mindset to be in our journey—whether that journey is weight loss, health, fitness, personal development, business or relationships.

How you think about yourself, how you choose to view the world and how you then choose to interact with it, is all about honing your mindset.

It’s some pretty powerful stuff.

So please find attached to this email, our 30-day mindset month, the #JuicyJourney series.

It’s my culmination of Instagram and Facebook posts over the entire month of June, none of the posts are longer than a page, so you can read it all at once or choose one daily to consume, or just pull it out when you need a little mental reframe.

And a huge thank you to all those who participated with their own insights! I loved scrolling the #JuicyJourney hashtag on IG, and reading all your comments along the way. If there is one thing that was solidified in my mind by this experience it was this:

We are all the same.

We all have struggletown moments. We all want to play the victim card sometimes. We all feel insecure about some things. We all want to be seen, appreciated and acknowledged for who we are. And we want permission to show up authentically with our wants, desires, likes, dislikes, preferences and lines in the sand fully on display.

We all want permission to be human.

Well, the days of waiting to be validated are over! Ha! The good news is that we can choose to do all of that right this second, we don’t have to wait a minute longer to own our power and show up fully.

I talk about this with my mastermind members quite a bit—permission to draw some harder lines in the sand, permission to be as edgy as we want, permission to let the chips fall (and the strength to handle any fallout), and permission to JUST SAY THE DAMN THING.

Whatever it is you want to say, say it. Whatever it is you want to do, do it. Whatever it is you want to be, be it.

Not from a ranty or negative place, but from a place of honoring yourself, and by doing so, perhaps—ahem—giving other people an example of what’s possible!

It’s always interesting to me that the first thing that comes to mind when considering showing up authentically or putting our true selves out there … is fear. We’re scared of rejection. Or of negative outcomes. And I understand that.

But isn’t it just as likely that our show of power might actually inspire someone else to show up fully, too??

The potential ripple effect of women showing up in their power and owning their choices and being an example to others of what’s possible isn’t even measurable. That’s some even more powerful stuff!

Okay, I want to keep this conversation going this week, so a head’s up on a couple things:
  1. I just recently opened up the Mindset Makeover 2: #RadicalResponsibility course for you, this week only. Doors close this Thursday at midnight, so it’s only available for the next 72 hours! You can grab your spot here. It’s all about mindset. It’s gonna challenge the eff out of you, so get ready, ha! This is the only time it’ll be available in 2017, so don’t miss out. Details here.

  2. I want to talk about the Paradox of Being a Strong Woman (<--actual title to an article I just finished and is waiting to be published) because I think this addresses both the benefits and also the fears that I think many of us have in becoming the strong woman we want to be. I’ll be sharing my thoughts with you on Wednesday, so keep an eye out for that, if you like that kind of thing.
In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions about MM2, and download the #JuicyJourney series (attached) and save it to your hard drive for later!! (Yes, I am that bossy).

Happy Monday, hope you are killing it so far.
