“Jill, you’ll never find a better man!”

Published: Wed, 07/12/17

Hi ,

A few months ago, I posted something on social media about my divorce.

Mostly, the response has been positive, with other women sharing similar stories and supporting Jade and I through this transition—besides, a lot of people starting reading JillFit and Metabolic Effect around the same time, so we all feel like we “grew up” together. And as you know, Jade and I are still great friends.

Well, in this particular post, one gal—apparently a super fan of Jade’s, ha!—wrote, “You made a huge mistake, you will never find another man as good as him! You are throwing away the best thing you’ve ever had!!”

Well, after my momentary confusion passed—because who is this person actually, and after I tagged Jade in the post, haha—I felt a huge, weird wave of compassion. Not because I pitied the woman, that would be insulting, but because I recognized we were speaking two different languages.

See, I don’t see things through the lens of scarcity.

I don’t fall for things that make me feel scared and anxious, like fear of missing out or making “the wrong choice” or regretting things. So her response was so far from the reality of where I am in my head right now that is was disorienting.

But I do remember.

I remember feeling scared that I would never find someone else. That no one would ever want me again. That I was making a huge mistake. Surely someone else would scoop him up immediately. Was I insane??



Okay well first off, is never having another romantic life-long partner really all that bad? No. I can survive it, and thrive, surely. Is dying alone really that bad? It only is if I think it is. Does never having one person “choose me” mean I am somehow not good or unworthy?

No, because I choose me.

And I’m worthy and valuable and contributing all on my own. By the way, even when I get into another serious relationship, this will all still be true. I will never need another person’s love or affirmation to validate my existence again. I want it, but I won’t need it.

I validate myself, motherfucker.

So the idea that leaving a romantic relationship will somehow make my life suck, or that I am destined to be miserable … just isn’t true.

I choose how I feel about my life. It’s subjective. Which is the whole point of doing mindset work—choosing a perspective that serves you.

So here’s a secret. When I left my marriage, I was super clear. I was sad but I felt empowered. I was crystal clear in my purpose and I felt strong AF.

And a couple weeks later, after I’d arrived in California, I wrote the entire Mindset Makeover 2.0 course.

The course is all about taking #RadicalResponsibility to create a life you love, regardless of what’s going on around you.

It’s about getting clear on how you choose to see the world and how you interact with yourself (hello, beating yourself up is lazy AF) and those closest to you. It’s about finding strength and light in the crappiest of circumstances and it’s about owning your worth in every moment.

I love this curriculum so much.

And I love relationships so much. Friendships, colleagues, acquaintances, romantic connections and even the relationship you have with yourself.

Relationships are your playing ground to test your mindset work. And they are the tools we need to elevate.

I want you to experience the transformative power of up-leveling your mindset to create the life you want in every moment, overcome your fears, look your BS in the face and own your power fully. It’s tough, but worth it.

The course closes tomorrow at midnight. Join the hundreds of women already on the juiciest of journeys ;)


P.S. You can grab your spot in the Mindset Makeover 2.0 right here.