Closes in a few hours + a sample email from Mindset Makeover 2.0

Published: Thu, 07/13/17

Hey ,

This is the final call to grab your spot in this year’s Mindset Makeover 2.0: #RadicalResponsibility course. I won't be opening it again until 2018.

I am super pumped for all the ladies (and a few gents!) who are already off and running with the curriculum. And the feedback is already rolling in! Thank you to all those who shared with me some of their aha moments. Like Angela:
Also, a few have asked about the email content, and yes, it is always understandable that when we talk “mindset,” it’s confusing. Like, what exactly is mindset?? It feels like this big intangible thing, and I get that.

So I did a couple things for you.

First, you can check out a sample email right here.

Second, here are the titles to all 42 emails so you know exactly what topics we’re covering:
  • Get defensive
  • Another word for trust is patience
  • Review: your business and your expectations
  • Why not having control feels so scary
  • How to be miserable
  • Releasing attachment to outcomes
  • Our Justice Button: Part 1
  • Our Justice Button: Part 2
  • Our Justice Button: Part 3
  • The difference between responsibility and fault
  • Intro to the VC
  • Martyrs get to be pitied
  • We get something out of all our relationships
  • The 3 S’s to Honesty
  • Vulnerability: How to have an honest conversation
  • Tool: Preemptive Support Framing
  • Toxic People: Part 1
  • Toxic People: Part 2 (three steps to establishing boundaries)
  • Toxic People: Part 3
  • Give positive affirmation even when it’s really freaking hard
  • Half-time and homework
  • The Spiritual Dance
  • We manifest the exact experiences we need
  • You are doing it to yourself (and that’s perfect)
  • Tool: I’M TAGGED
  • Tag, you’re it!
  • Is there ever a time you should compromise?
  • Integrity
  • How to emotionally detach (and should you?)
  • Should you have expectations for yourself?
  • The issue with defining and labeling
  • Complaining Part 1: Quit making assumptions
  • Complaining Part 2: Don’t give away your power
  • Tools Review: Gratitude and benefit of the doubt
  • Tool: Just make more decisions
  • Tool: Come with The Power Lead
  • Tool: Re-identification
  • Tool: “Future Pacing” and Story Editing
  • Tool: Take things at face value
  • Tool: Getting comfy with discomfort
  • A thousand things it’s not my job to do
  • The most courageous thing (+PDF of all emails)
What you think? Pretty juicy, right? ;)

Also, be sure to check out the full program info page HERE to see who exactly the program is for.

Here’s who #RadicalResponsibility is NOT for:
  • This is not for the faint of heart. I will be asking you tough questions and your initial reaction will most likely be to get defensive. But the goal is to work through those responses.
  • Someone looking for customized nutrition guidance, workouts and weight loss – this program is not a body change program, it’s 100% mindset focused (which of course can indirectly influence your consistency and implementation for healthy behaviors).
  • Someone not quite ready to examine their own BS. It’s natural to want to make things other people’s fault. If you are someone who tends to do that, you might start with the first Mindset Makeover course and then move to this.
  • A woman who thinks the answer is still “out there” – this program will not address how other people need to change, it will only address what we can do for ourselves.
  • Someone who doesn’t have time to work on their inner selves. Each day takes 5-10 mins of reading and/or reflection.
I hope that helps clarify what exactly we will be digging in to. And of course, let me know if you have any further question!

The course closes tonight (Thur) at midnight PST.

Let’s do this!
