LAST DAY for Mindset Makeover (+ this had me LOL’ing 'cause it’s so true!)

Published: Thu, 07/13/17


Just a heads up that I am closing enrollment on the Mindset Makeover 2.0: #RadicalResponsibility course TONIGHT at midnight.

You can register right here for the 6-week course, if you have not already.

Also in the spirit of mindset, I wanted to share with you one more insight today. I saw this card a while back at a gift shop and I burst out laughing:
I think it’s supposed to be taken tongue-in-cheek but I took it literally. I am, indeed, bored with my problems. Why? Because they are boring.

Are they valid? Sure, but when I am not actively engaged in processing and finding a solution, they’re only serving to make me miserable. And, uh, I do believe misery is a choice.

BUT! It actually reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from Elizabeth Gilbert:

“I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit.”

This resonates with my own life so much, and based on the responses I received during our #JuicyJourney Mindset Month, you might feel similarly.

Often, actually, the transformation begins with someone else—a partner, family member, friend, co-worker, parent, child, etc. They trigger us, or they “betray” us, or they push our buttons, or they leave us, or they … have an affair. Whatever.

Someone does something that affects us, and I do believe that these people are our soulmates in that we actually need them in order to grow.

The person who triggers you the most is actually presenting you the invaluable opportunity to level up yourself.

So it begins with another person.

And then … we respond. Either we blame and complain about them, or we blame ourselves for not being good enough to obtain the right amount of love, affirmation, approval, whatever that we want. And THESE^^^ are the responses that get old.

If you’ve ever said, “I feel like I have been talking about this forever, I’m actually sick of myself at this point,” then you get this.

Playing the victim—either by placing the responsibility on someone else OR berating ourselves for not being good enough (which is just martyrdom, btw)—gets super fucking old. It’s exhausting.

And so over time, you come to find out that you need and want a new response. You want a new way to handle things.

For me, this moment happened 6 years ago when my ex-husband and I were going through some tough stuff, and I literally had nowhere to go for help or insight. I couldn’t bring my gripes to him because it was about him. My friends were my cheerleaders but they didn’t have any useful advice to help me feel less miserable, and I was too embarrassed to ask for help.

And so I spent months playing the victim, complaining, feeling unworthy and NOTHING WAS CHANGING.

Until my friend Jillian suggested Byron Katie’s books to me. And thus began my mindset journey.

Up until that point, I had no tools or insights to help me deal with negative feelings or tough relationship moments. No wonder I felt miserable!

You don’t know what you don’t know and when you have not been exposed to personal development or realize that you do indeed have a say in how you show up in your life and the way you perceive things, it feels like things are being done to you. It feels like you are getting the sucky end of the deal, like life is out to get you. Why me? Why this? WHY ME??

Lol. Ugh. No. That’s no way to live.

So, if you are at that point or feel like you need more tools or insights (or just stories) to help move you emotionally, then enroll in the #RadicalResponsibility course, that is ONLY open this week!

I have put every single step, strategy and real life honest moment into this course for you.

But a little word of warning! This course is 100% not for someone not ready to mentally level-up. Some of the education may trigger you, may cause you to feel defensive, it might make you made and it might cause you to start to look at some of your own BS and uncover some things that aren’t always the most pleasant. I’m not attached to your agreeing with me, but I am invested in your mindset growth and it’s my job to challenge you a little! Ha!

So, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Please, please know what you are getting in to.

Doors close TONIGHT at midnight PST, not opening up again until 2018.

Let me know if you have any questions!
