Sample #MetconMonster Workout (enclosed)

Published: Thu, 08/03/17

Hi ,

As you know, the FREE 15-day #MetconMonster fitness challenge begins THIS Monday August 7th and over 2000 women are already locked and loaded. I do think it’s going to be even more hardcore than the #20x20Challenge because these workouts are a little tougher but often shorter ;)

If you still have not registered to get all the workouts, you can do that right here.

The goal is complete 12 short, intense workouts over 15 days. That means an average of 3 workouts every 4 days. All gals who complete all 12 workouts—as verified by their Instagram shares (it’s an IG challenge remember!)—will get a chance to win some awesome prizes and also get featured on the JillFit Facebook page and IG account. I can’t wait to see your shares!

Today I want to give you a taste of the kinds of workouts you can expect.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions and I want to first answer a few here:

Yes, you can do the workouts at home.

Most can be done as-is at home if you have a set of dumbbells. BUT, I have also added modifications to some of them to make them more at-home friendly. Some are more involved and it would be easier if you had gym access, but either way you will still get sweaty betty.

The workouts are all less than 30 minutes and most will be around 20.

The cool thing about these workouts is that YOU ARE GOING TO SCORE YOURSELF. Meaning, some will ask you to record how long it takes you to complete, and others will ask you to record how many reps you completed in an allotted time. THIS score is what you will share on Instagram, so we can all keep one another accountable, along with your photo of whatever you choose.

Don’t worry, the times and rep scores are NOT to make you feel bad.

We are all at different fitness levels and have different goal sets so the goal is not to compete with one another (that would be impossible). They are instead to help you get a baseline score on a workout so that you can try it again later and try to beat your own score. It’s a way to gage progress and intensity for yourself.

These workouts are designed to maintain muscle and maybe get you looking a little more shredded.

Metabolic conditioning workouts are not ideal for building muscle. They will get you breathless and burning (as you will see on my tutorial videos where I am huffing and puffing throughout the explanation lol!) and build your cardio and change the look of the body but not get you jacked. That’s for another time! And in fact, the 7 lbs of muscle I gained over the last 6 months is actually the (selfish) reason I am switching gears to Metcon rather than continuing to build.

I have included a lot of additional information in the correspondence after you register. AND you will receive all the workouts via email THIS SUNDAY August 6th for a Monday start.


Now, a lil’ sampling. This workout is called “Angie on the Row” because “Angie” is a CrossFit Benchmark workout (100 pull-ups, 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 air squats) but we are adding some additional cardio, breaking up the reps into sets of 25 and adding an at-home-friendly bent-over row instead of pull-ups.

 “Angie on the Row”
Complete 4 rounds for time

Equipment: rowing machine and 1 set of heavy dumbbells (if you don’t have a rower, do 10 burpees)

Complete this circuit 4 times, record your time:
250m row (or 10 burpees if you don’t have access to a rower)
25 bent-over dumbbell rows
25 pushups (knees or toes)
25 sit-ups
25 air squats (no weight)

This took me about 22 minutes yesterday. Try it out and see how you do.

Okay, last time—register for the FREE #MetconMonster Challenge HERE and I’ll send you all the workouts on Sunday!

Let me know if you have any questions.
