Free Training on Hunger + Cravings – Join me!

Published: Sun, 08/20/17

Hi ,

I hope you’re having a great Sunday!

A few quick things for you today …

There’s a huge misconception that the degree to which we’re successful with healthy eating and consistent training depends on simply willpower.

Diet books tell us to “just follow the plan,” coaches say, “just be compliant” and we look around and see our neighbor or family member seemingly being able to stay on their eating program without effort. And here we are, trying to white-knuckle it and no one is talking about how dang hard this all is, and feeling like, is it just me?? What gives??

This, I have found, is a huge shame trap.

Because while willpower is a consideration, we don’t just slot ourselves into some diet and voilà, eating perfectly with no issue. And the feelings that we should be able to, or we should be better at this, or we shouldn’t fall off the wagon, only serve to make us feel worse about our noncompliance. And that’s a defeatist black hole.

Soooo, let’s actually just not do that anymore.

There are workarounds and mindset shifts and shortcuts and easier ways to implement healthy eating and consistent training, if we are willing to consider them, and quit feeling like we need to do it all perfectly all the time.

A perfectionist approach is the shortest path to healthy eating failure.

So, I decided to hold a free training webinar THIS Tuesday August 22nd at 8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST to share everything I know about cutting hunger and cravings in half, using some simple mindset switches and tangible actions that you can start taking right away.

Register for the free training HERE (yes, I will be recording it, but you still have to register to get the recording!).

I’ll be discussing the top mistakes that I STILL see women making when it comes to training and nutrition, and I will be teaching the top 3 suuuuper simple switches you can make right away to make an impact in your compliance.

And they have nothing to do with “just having more self-control.” ;)

See you on the training! And if you have a friend who you think would benefit, it would be a huge favor to me if you’d forward this email on to them.


P.S. For those of you who have been circling #treadLIFT and #FastPhysique and asking me when they are going on sale, surprise! I’m putting them both at 50% off starting this Tuesday (as in, 2 days from now), so stay tuned for the link to grab them then. Lots of gals asking about Fall fitness, sooooooo super pumped to be able to do this.

AND finally, inspired by Neghar Fonooni’s lead, I’m going to be donating 10% of all sales to service groups that are making a huge difference in the social justice community. So if you decide to invest, I thank you in advance. Stay tuned for details Tuesday. xo