On Charlottesville and more

Published: Sun, 08/13/17

Happy Sunday ,

I am very late on a lot of this, not because I haven't been reading or watching, but because I haven't known how to talk about social justice intelligently or within the confines of my business.

So, a quick message for you today...

It’s embarrassing to admit--but at this point it's frankly 100% unacceptable for me to not be using this platform to speak up about the disgusting, horrific and completely unjust situation for people of color and marginalized groups in America.

Yes, in 2017. Racism is still alive and well, and as a white person, I have the privilege of not even being able to fathom what it must feel like to be a minority in this country. I apologize for not speaking up publicly sooner, but I'm going to get better and then do better.

The events in Charlottesville yesterday were horrific and to not speak up on this and every other injustice is being complicit.

So while I do feel like it's entirely too late, this is my commitment to give voice to those who need a louder one. This is my commitment to sharing the work of those in the trenches who *can* speak on the issues intelligently. This is my commitment to acknowledging that things are NOT equal and working to support people experiencing oppression.

I intend to do so by getting out of the way so they can share, using any platform I have to continue this conversation, and not only accepting but seeking critique as I’m learning.

As someone who believes in #RadicalResponsibility, it's admittedly easy to just focus on self. It's easy to put your head down and grind. To work on your own stuff, the things that are right in front of you. And I do think that as individuals evolve in their mindset and how they interact with the world, a ripple effect is possible. I will always champion those who have the courage to make a change in their mindset and in their actions.

But from an integrity standpoint, I can't *not* acknowledge that not everyone even has the opportunity or frankly the luxury of working on their mindset with vigor when their life is literally in danger. Or their way of life is threatened. Or they never feel safe.

And so there's more. There's more than just working on ourselves. Yes, it's important but there's also working on *the world* to create equality so that EVERYONE has the opportunities that I've had as a person of privilege. Things aren't equal. They're not.

So this is a commitment to make my way through all the injustice (probably clumsily since I'm still learning and messing up all the time) and do what I can to promote those who deserve the platform and who are doing the work that we need.

When it comes to social justice, it's not just something for the marginalized person to deal with. It's the responsibility of privileged people to rectify.

A heads up I'm going to be speaking out more on the topics of racism, patriarchy, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ageism and more, ongoing because it's going on all the time. And if that's not your jam, I invite you to unfollow at any point.

Yes, obviously we'll still be talking fitness, nutrition and more, but as a personal brand, JillFit is a reflection of my personal views. On all things. And at this point, bringing awareness to these topics has nothing to do with business or branding, but instead just straight-up human decency. It's non-negotiable.

So this is an acknowledgement, an apology and a commitment. To you. To women. To people of color. To the LBGTQI community. To those marginalized in this country. It's not okay. And I'm going to do my best to create space for your voices. I am sorry it's taken me this long🙏

If you are interested in reading or learning more, I will be sharing resources here and there, but in the meantime, my friend Erin Brown’s work is one to tune in to. Her Instagram posts and stories are a great place to begin. You can find her here.

I am, as always, open to feedback and learning. I won’t stand for any messages of hate, but I am always interested in intelligent discussion and continuing the conversation.

Much love,