No one wants to work with beginners?

Published: Thu, 11/02/17


I was hanging with a friend last week—someone who does online business like I do, but more in the personal development space.

I was sharing with her how pumped I am about the Best of You mentorship launching at the end of this month (that’s my year-long online business coaching program for health/fitness pros).

And she said, “That’s amazing, I’m always so impressed with the patience you have to work with beginners.”

There’s this mentality in the coaching space that we only want to work with those who are “committed” and “motivated” and “ready to work,” and of course that’s desirable, but whether you are helping someone get fit, eat healthy or yes, grow their business, there’s no escaping the fact that some people are programed to be self-motivated and others, while they do want it, need more solutions, tools and hand-holding.

For me, I love working with those brand new to online business.

And I’m going to tell you a secret—not many coaches do.

Not because they can’t help, but they think beginners have “too many questions,” or don’t have “the success mindset” yet, or are even unwilling to invest big money for the coaching they need. Or they straight-up just don’t have the money.

These things might be true sometimes, but that’s a beginner for you. And we’ve ALL been there. There’s zero shame in saying, I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know where to go first.

And in my mind, it’s an amazing opportunity to take someone with “too many questions,” and help them fill in all the gaps so they can be successful. It’s an opportunity to help someone hone their success mindset. It’s an invaluable opportunity to shift someone’s mindset from one of scarcity and “I can’t afford it,” to abundance, and “I’ll figure out a way to make the money I need in order to invest.”

Working with those brand new is not only my passion, but it’s the thing I’m best at.

The Best of You business coaching bridges the gap between fitness professional and business professional. It's THE business course for health + fitness pros.

Because guess what? You're not supposed to know business yet, so yeah, you’re going to have a lot of questions. And that’s normal.

I can’t tell you how many people in my life have heard me do webinars, speak at events or even host days-long events and have commented about “how patient” I am when it comes to fielding questions—even the most basic ones!

But I see being able to hold space for someone who is just getting started as a gift. I love being someone’s first coach in online business. It’s an honor!

So, quick email today to share with you the fact that if you are a beginner—to anything—have the courage to speak up, ask ALL the questions and be inquisitive af. You have to. How else are you going to elevate your outcomes, your impact, and even your income?

I am pumped to be working with plenty of beginners in #ActionAcademy (and plenty of seasoned peeps, too!) and it’s been a joy so far.

If you are interested in learning the beginnings of online business and how to create products and programs on the internet that help people all over the world, then join #ActionAcademy. Besides, it’s free!

And when you do, you will be automatically put on the wait list for Best of You for 2018. Zero obligation, but if you have ever thought, I wonder if I could take my coaching online? then this process is for you.

You don’t have to know how to do marketing or sales. You don’t have to know what your messages are yet, and you don’t have to know exactly who you are going to be helping.

You only need two things:
1) Expertise or experiences that can help someone
2) The desire to learn and take action

That’s it.

I teach you everything else. Branding, product development, sales, marketing, and more.

And at the end of the month, I want you to apply for Best of You for 2018 (starts January 8th). So be on the lookout for it.

That’s it.

Let me know how you’re doing, and what you need from me, as always.
