#ActionAcademy starts tonight – it’s free!

Published: Tue, 10/17/17

Hey ,

Today kicks off the 6-week #ActionAcademy course for health/fitness pros who want to start or grow their online business.

The idea is that we will take more action in 6 weeks than we have in the last 12 months, and I'll be with you every step of the way to keep you accountable.

It’s a 100% free course, and it was one of the most powerful accelerators for thousands of women last year, so we are doing it again this year.

If you would like to join us, or check the details, you can do that HERE.

Again, it’s free so there’s zero risk in joining – even if you are not in the fitness business space at the moment, it’s insight and strategy that is transferable across industries.

It’s going to be a fun 6 weeks, also because … I’m going to be going Live on Facebook every single day, too! That’s 42 Live streams!

Never done such a high volume of them before, but I am pumped—and hey, you’ll get to see me sweaty, unshowered, traveling, out and about, sometimes showered (maybe), sometimes with wine, maybe a #BAS, maybe chocolate, who knows! Live video is so much fun, and hey, a third of content online is consumed via video at this point, so I’m joining up, and I can’t wait.

I’ve received about a bazillion questions regarding online business, confidence and self-doubt, social media and more from you gals over the last 6 weeks, so every day I’ve be hosting the Live stream as a Q&A, and I going to do my best to keep them under 10 minutes.

Be sure to check the JillFit Facebook page often for these short Lives.

Lastly, be sure to check out my latest blog article if you have not already, entitled, “How to Start Your Online Fitness Coaching Business.”

Believe it or not, starting to coach online is not nearly as difficult as you might think. In fact, if you are already a coach or trainer in-person, the next iteration is to take the exact service you provide in person to the online space.

We are so connected now that social media allows for your friends from high school to see what you’re up to. Or allows for random acquaintances that you might have met while traveling to connect with you too. And over time, if you are showcasing your expertise and what you help people with over the interwebz, then eventually one of those people might reach out to you and ask for help.

Bingo! This is simple but it’s literally how it begins.

Because of social media, I have created meal plans for family members. I have created workout programs for high school friends. And I now even do business coaching with gals I went to junior high school with. Crazy, right. And not something you couldn’t easily do, too.

It’s been said that marketing is just stating what you do, and making sure people see it.

And you, me and that gal over there all have something unique to share and help someone else with, whether that’s a tool or strategy we use for getting healthy, or even just a story or experience to share so that people feel connected (I call this “being the teacher” and “being the friend,” respectively).

One of my first mentors told me, “You only have to be one step ahead of someone to help them.”

And so, if you are stressed that you don’t know enough or aren’t credentialed enough, or might “get found out,” relax. The good news is that you don’t have to know everything, you just need to know something the person who needs your help can use.


And I’d even go so far as to say that if you have something that can help someone else, and you aren’t putting it out there because of your own self-doubts, you are doing them a disservice. Your insecurities, while real and valid, are also selfish. Ha! Sorry, but people need you!

And if even one person can benefit from you sharing your story or sharing a unique insight that can positively change something for them, then it’s worth it.

Okay, hope to see you in the #ActionAcademy trainings! We are ramping up later today!

We are going to have a blast over the next 6 weeks!
