Been thinking about doing this for a while…

Published: Thu, 12/07/17

Hi ,

Back in 2015, I moved to Sydney, Australia for a month.

Partially to escape my marriage, which had hit uncertain and uncomfortable times. And partially because I wanted to get back in touch with myself, my own desires, wants, needs and preferences, re-identifying myself. And being on my own for a bit navigating a new country seemed to be a scary, but good way of doing it.

Two really important things happened during that month.

First, I learned that starting over in a new place is actually not nearly as tough as I thought it would be.

I joined a CrossFit gym on day one and instantly met a ton of people just like me. I explored the city with a gal I met who’d also just moved there from Wales. I met a photographer and did a really fun photo shoot. I even met some men that, had I not been married and still tore up about things, I probably would have dated.

By the end of that month, I remember being at a mini “going away” party held in my honor, right on the beach in Bondi, and feeling split. Fifty percent of me wanted to go home and the other 50% could have literally just moved there for good.

It was a shocking revelation. How could I go somewhere, alone and initially not knowing a single person, and within a month’s time actually see myself living there for good??

It was such an amazing realization and frankly, a relief. “Starting over” really could be that easy. I could be fine on my own. I could do things myself. I could be Jill and not “the wife of …” I reclaimed my identity and though I loved my partner still, I saw that if we ended up going our separate ways, I could handle it.

And ... just a mere 4 months later I actually moved. For real. To Los Angeles. Alone.

And though I spent plenty of nights feeling lonely and wishing for more comfort or certainty, it was the right move—for me and for the relationship. I will always thank Australia for showing me what was possible. A trial aloneness ;)

Second, I ordered a Yeti Blue microphone from Amazon and had it sent to my apartment in Sydney.

If you don’t know, a Yeti is a great mic for anyone who wants to create very clear-sounding audio, and this marked the first time I thought about doing a podcast.

Part of me felt “late” to the podcasting game (lolol, considering they’ve only gotten bigger since then) and the other part of me was hesitant because I wondered if I would be consistent. I was still blogging regularly, and writing for me is easy--I sit down and it comes out. Podcasting felt like more work: research, preparing, show notes, time stamps, related downloadable cheat sheets and more.

Welp. It is more work.

Buuuut I’ve finally gotten over myself (2+ years later!) and am excited to share that I am launching my podcast called #TheBestLife, co-hosted with my good friend Danny-J on December 19th!

We’ll be doing interviews with some of our favorite authors, thought leaders, speakers and peers, as well as doing some episodes just the two of us and even alone. We’ll be sharing on everything from relationships, entrepreneurship, mindset and personal development to finance, food obsession, fitness and dating (!!!).

I’m pumped and I hope you will tune in!

Here’s what you can do to get involved, if you want to get a jump on things:
  1. Go here and follow our @thebestlifepodcast Instagram account.
  2. Go here and request to join our free private Facebook community, which we will be treating like a sort of book club to do some debriefing after each episode. And also encouraging you all to connect with one another and support each other through the “growy” stuff. AND, we actually already live recorded two episodes and they are already up in the group!
Finally, mark your calendars for Tuesday December 19th, when the podcast launches!

Our goal is to spread the messages of #RadicalResponsibility, gratitude and creating your life, whether you are career-oriented, all about your family, single, married, dating, whatever and any/all places in between.

And of course, we’ll be sharing WHY we dared have the audacity to call it #TheBestLife podcast ;) and what exactly that means. And as always, plenty of vulnerable stories and LOLs along the way.

Get involved at the links above so you don’t miss anything. We can’t wait to get your feedback!


P.S. A quickie reminder that my 9-Week Total Physique Transformation (aka pretty hardcore) program, #FastPhysique is ON SALE 50% OFF for the entire month of December so if you are looking to start something new and fresh next month, grab your copy sooner rather than later! Get all the details here.