It’s open - the FREE #MetconMonster Challenge!

Published: Wed, 01/03/18

Happy New Year, !

I hope you had a fabulous holiday, and are just as ready as I am for an amazing 2018!

As you know, I am not a huge resolution person—besides, you don’t need a new year to make changes. You don’t even need a Monday. You can create and do anything you want right this second—with your eating, with your training, in your relationships, even your job. Can it be tough? You bet. But it’s never impossible.

So anyway, no resolutions for me, but I do believe in reflection and introspection.

And I like January 1st as a time to take stock, to evaluate how you’ve been doing, where you’re at currently and maybe what you want to start to do differently.

So two nights ago, on January 1st, I walked Pip down to the water here in Los Angeles, and watched the sunset. It was an incredible view, and as I watched, I thought about the last several years.

Since 2014, things have been up and down for me. And one of the (sometimes unfortunate) things about living your life on social media is that people are privy to everything you’re up to—the ways in which you change, and the ways in which you stumble.

Blogging at JillFit and building a platform has always been a blessing, and I couldn’t be more grateful that people have found value in my work. And chances are, if you’ve been following from the beginning (2010), then you’ve seen my journey change quite a bit. From competitions and fitness modeling, yo-yo dieting and rebounding, hours of cardio and being part of a “power couple,” to #moderation365 eating, CrossFit, wine, going out, friends, divorce, new beginnings and business coaching.

It’s not always pretty. Sometimes it’s messy. Sometimes people are like, wtf is Jill doing?? Loolol. Sometimes I didn’t have the words to share what I was going through, and often it wasn’t the right time to share. Until it was.

Over the last few years, my friends and I have tagged each other in memes about messy living, staying afloat, holding on and other hilarious posts about not having your shit together, as a funny way to show solidarity. Mid-life-crisis-ing our way through.

But last night, watching the sunset and thinking about 2018, I know that that’s not me anymore.

I’m not “just hanging on.” I have my shit together now. I’m not in transition. Things aren’t messy anymore. They’re solid. I’m solid.

And 2018 isn’t going to be about doing my best in times of struggle. It’s about leveling the eff up using the solid foundation of self-trust I’ve been building since 2014.

Life isn’t tough or scary anymore. It’s amazing. And I have big plans for this year, and I hope you do, too!

Happy New Year, loves.

And as a way to get consistent in new year together, I’m launching the 2nd annual #MetconMonster Challenge! We begin January 10th.

I’ll be giving you the EXACT workouts to do - in your living room or at the gym! All 10-30 minutes in length.

The reason I started doing workout consistency challenges a few years ago was selfishly because I’d had a string of inconsistent months and wanted to feel back in my power through getting into the gym regularly.

Nothing has ever helped my self-esteem like training intensely in the gym. Physical strength begets mental strength. And not only that, but holding myself accountable to the kinds of workouts I’ve always loved: short, tough and weight-training centric. Ones that change the shape of the body, not just burn cals.

Over time, these challenges attracted hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands last August.

And I cannot wait to roll out these brand spankin’ new workouts for 2018.

The challenge is free, and the goal is to complete 8 metabolic conditioning (cardio + weights) over the course of 10 days.

As you know, 10 days is not even close to long enough to implement sustainable change, but in my experience, the momentum created when YOU SEE YOURSELF BEING CONSISTENT is enough to get you to keep going after the 10 days is over.

Your brain is always creeping on your actions, so when it sees you getting to the gym day after day, getting sweaty and pushing through tough workouts, it says, “Ahh, I guess I am a consistent exerciser after all!” And THIS is the kind of ownership you need to adopt to get consistent and healthy for good.

10 days is a strong start. Let’s do this!

Let me know if you have any questions.


P.S. If you have a friend or family member that you think could use a little kick in the pants and some bigtime accountability, it would be a huge favor to me if you’d forward this email to them! The more the merrier. And besides, it’s free, so pretty much the lowest risk thing you can do! Can’t wait to see your updates :)