Total Training Experience open NOW (52 weeks of workouts - closes Friday)

Published: Tue, 01/23/18

Hi ,

Today is the day – as promised, I am opening up enrollment for the 52-week Total Training Experience FOR THE VERY LAST TIME! it's 50% off for you only, through this Friday January 26th only.

Here's what you need to know about the TTE:
  • It's 52 weeks of fitness programming. Meaning, I'll be providing the exact workouts AND suggested calendar for a full year. Programming will be anywhere from 3-6 days a week, depending on you!
  • All workouts are 20-30 minutes or less, and there are workouts for both the gym and home, so long as you have access to dumbbells.
  • I'm providing 50+ FULL-LENGTH videos - meaning, these are not just quickie tutorials, I am actually PERSONALLY TRAINING YOU in the videos. They're all done Rest-based Training style so you can rest when you need to and push when you're ready.
  • Over 50 cardio workouts to choose from.
  • Over 70 new healthy recipes
  • 52-week nutrition and mindset education delivered via weekly emails. Topics include: hunger and cravings (there's 5 weeks on cravings alone, ha!), mindfulness, moderation, trusting yourself, trusting the process, self-judgment, resiliency, willpower, abundance, self-compassion and more. It's a super useful mix of tools to implement interspersed with mindset re-writes and habit change strategies.
  • Archived videos on everything from hormones to supplements to mindfulness to eating frequency, snacking and more.
  • closed Facebook private community of women all going through the programs together--support, accountability, friendship and more! I'll pop into the group here and there, too!
Here's the thing: a year is a long time!

But that's by design ;)

I knew when I created this program that a lot of people would question if they could commit to a year. Besides, 7-day jump starts, 30 day detoxes and 14-day cleanses are a lot easier.

But the reason I created the TTE was because after hearing from hundreds of women that they've spent 5, 10, 20 years yo-yo dieting, jumping from plan to plan, detox to cleanse, and have nothing to show for it after that many years (!!!).


It actually breaks my heart, even when I think of the years I wasted incessantly dieting, only to end up less lean, more obsessive and with a metabolism that was less responsive. Enter #moderation365 and shorter, more efficient workouts. And after a few years, I had my life (and my sanity!) back.

It’s a process. It’s a practice. It’s not something you just slot yourself into and try to follow to the T. Instead, YOU create the rules based on learning about yourself.

And that, by nature, takes time.

And so I created a 52-week program because after hearing about the literal DECADES women have wasted trying to lose weight (and hating their bodies all the way). I felt compelled to create an ultimate solution.

A year is a long time, but when you put it in the context of the years wasted doing things that never worked, I figure:

A year is NOTHING if it means being able to eat healthy and exercise consistently forever.

What’s a single year? A drop in the pond. It’s not too long. It’s the only way, taking the long view. It’s a no-brainer.

And you have to go through step #1 to get to step #2.

And there’s something so awesomely rewarding about knowing that your grind has paid off. Anyone can do a diet for 12 weeks. Or a cleanse for 7 days. But what about instead of focusing on when you will “get there,” you simply focus on finding ways to enjoy the process so that the results are just a cherry on top?

I am launching the TTE for the very last time ever ...

It's one of my all-time favorite programs, but I have some new things coming down the pipeline for 2019, and this one will be phased out.

So this is the FINAL time to get access to the 90+ workouts, 50+ recipes, and year long nutrition and mindset education. And at 50% off.

This program is a year. But I guarantee it'll be the last year you ever look for a diet. Or are confused over how to train for your body (I'll be teaching you all that over the next 12 months!). Or don't know how to coach yourself in your mindset when you feel like beating yourself up or giving up.

The TTE was created to be a year by design. I want you to finally do the long-range work so you never need a coach or "expert" to tell you want to do ever again, because you know your body better than anyone else ever could.

Let me know if you have any questions and let’s do this!
