"Jill, you’ve been playing way too small."

Published: Mon, 01/22/18

Hi ,

I was on the phone with my business coach and I asked him point blank, “You’ve known me online for 5 years. Be honest, what feedback do you have for me?”

And his response was right, I had been playing small.

And it was okay … for a time.

But for what I want to do next, things have to change. I’m going to have to get a little less risk-averse. I’m going to have to work harder. I’m going to have to do things that are not what I’m used to. I’m going to have to change up my current systems dramatically. I’m going to have to stick my neck out (hello, chance for judgment, criticism, failure, oh my!).

And I am going to have to endure some growing pains.

And here’s the thing: that’s hard! And I don’t wanna! Wahhhh!

Ha! Maybe you’ve experienced the same feeling—there’s part of you that wants the next level, but the complacent, comfortable and even scared side of you wants to remain in control and at ease.

The counterintuitive thing about having some success in something is that it’s that exact success that can become the biggest barrier to doing more.

In other words, when you struggle through a hard period of pushing, straining, struggling and working your ass off to achieve something, you can then become complacent. It’s like, “No thanks, I already did the hard thing, I already got out of the miserable place, I don’t want to do it again, I’m good!”

And the complacency of a little success or the security of comfort is the biggest barrier to achieving more success because we just don’t feel the urgency as much anymore.

I still don’t feel urgency, but I do feel driven as a mofo to achieve some big things over the next few years. And maybe you do, too. Not from a place of lack or not-good-enough-ness (that was certainly the motivation for doing shows and obsessively dieting though) but because I want to make a much bigger impact.

2018 is the year I’m getting back to discomfort in the biz. I’d had so much discomfort in my marriage for the last several years that my business became my stronghold. My solace. But now that I’m healed from my relationship, I’m ready for the tough stuff professionally.

So, the first thing:

I launched my podcast, “The Best Life” co-hosted with my partner-in-crime, Danny-J Johnson last week. It’s up iTunes and other podcast outlets and I’d love for you to take a listen.

SUBSCRIBE here. Download and listen to the first few episodes on your way to work, and then leave an honest review. Totally open to feedback and your insight.

In the first couple episodes, Danny-J, who’s my co-host, and I talk the most vulnerably we ever have about our decade-long marriages, our husbands’ infidelity, exactly what happened and the lessons we’ve learned as a result. It was scary to release into the world, but the feedback we’ve receive so far has been nothing but supportive and amazing.

Next up:

I spent the last 3 days at a business mastermind event that I am participating in all year long. I’m one of 40 entrepreneurs in the group, and this was our first in-person with one another.

It had been a while since I’d felt real intimidation or insecurity around business. I know I am successful but gah, the people in this room were really crushing it. Hundreds of thousands of social media follows, making multiple seven figures (!!!) each year, authors, speakers, TV shows, you name it!


I loved it not because I learned a ton, which I did—but because the reminder of feeling out of my league was refreshing! I belonged there for sure, but I also had to work through some feelings of not-good-enough-ness and check myself with my insecurities wanted to hijack the experience. A good reminder that there’s always more mindset work to do.

I can’t wait to share with you all the things I’m learning, and help you implement too.

But you wanna know one thing that was absolutely NOT hard or scary?

Navigating the food situations at the event.

There were tons of conversations around food sensitivities, overindulgences, “getting back on track after the weekend,” watching our waistline, and the like.

And me? Barely noticed the food situation.

I ate the meals provided—choosing protein and veggies preferentially. I had a glass of wine or two. Had a couple bites of a dessert when I felt like it, skipped it altogether other times. Ate halves and thirds of protein bars between meals when I was hungry, defaulted to water when available and tossed some cream and stevia in my coffee and called it fine.

I DID NOT STRESS ONE SECOND AROUND FOOD, even though every single meal was provided for us. I navigated them according to #moderation365 principles and nailed my #SatisfactionFactor every time. Never deprived and never stuffed.

If you knew me 6+ years ago, it would have been a completely different story: stress, anxiety, neuroses, food obsession, eating out of Tupperwares in the corner, sneaking food, vowing off all alcohol, stressed that people were judging my food choices, watching what I ate—and I’d be paying a lot more attention to what they were eating!—a whole lot of mental energy expended by thinking, planning, eating and feeling regretful about food.

Man, it’s been a long road.

But sitting in a room of 40 people killing it in their businesses, I could look around and know without a doubt that I had the best and easiest relationship with food of all in attendance. I’d put in the most reps with it! Ha! And that was a coup! Lolol.

It really was, especially when our culture is so diet-focused and many of us have yo-yo dieted most of our adult lives.

And so, I am going to be teaching you every single tool and insight I’ve gleaned about eating, training and mindset over the next year … if you are finally ready for an ultimate solution?

Tomorrow I’m opening up my signature 52-week program, the Total Training Experience (TTE) for a couple days only.

I haven’t launched this program for a year and a half, and it’s still one of my all-time favorites. Thousands of women have completed the year-long education and the 12 months’ worth of workouts, and have been forever changed (and healed!) because of it.

Keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow for all the details on the TTE, plus a super exclusive discount I can’t wait to roll out ;)

Let me know if you have any questions, and in the meantime, what’s one HARD THING you are going to challenge yourself to do this year? I’d love to know.
