I’m hosting a new live event – see you there?

Published: Tue, 02/06/18

Hey ,

Over the last few years, I’ve been hosting more and move live events, because there’s simply nothing like the quality of connection you create when you meet other women face-to-face and get to connect, laugh, relate to one another and stay in touch after the event is over, often forming life-long friendships.

In-person events are so transformative (and rare, based on how much time we spend behind screens now!).

In the past, whenever I’ve held a live event, dozens of people on social media, without fail, will hit me up in the DMs and ask when the next one is, or to come to their part of the country or even to just tell me they hate to miss it, and that they want to be at the next one.

Well I’m here to tell you when the next one is and that, if you are someone who always vows to go to one, here’s your opportunity.

This year, I’m hosting 6 live events—the most ever. But only 2 of them are open to the public, one of which I just added:

Announcing ELEVATE ’18—a 2-day live event in Los Angeles, CA, April 6-7th. Get all the details HERE—I have 30 seats available at an Early Bird discount.

This fitness and lifestyle event is for women who want to unstuck themselves, get out of their own way and finally make headway with their eating, exercise, mindset and relationships.

It’s called ELEVATE because it’s focused on uncovering, learning and then implementing the actual steps needed feel ease and fulfillment in your body, your relationships and even your professional career. It’s about up-leveling everything.

If you feel like you’re at a crossroads in your life—knowing something has to change—but not knowing exactly how to make a switch or are scared to take the leap, this event was designed for you.

In fact, I am bringing in 12 EXPERTS to share their journey, their steps and the exact tools they have used to overcome food obsession, motivation challenges, relationship stagnation, body esteem struggles and even professional hurdles.

It’s all happening in LA, April 6-7th, 2018.

Check out the details HERE and grab your Early Bird spot at 20% off—discount goes away Feb 28th.

AND because I know you’re gonna to get so much out of this event, I am sweetening the deal …

BONUS: The first TEN women to register will get a free strategy call with me prior to the event, to help you get prepped, ready and begin to put into action some of the things you want to accomplish over the next 12 months.

You know how action-oriented I am, so our call will be nothing but strategy and accountability to make sure you implement the things you say you want to create—whether that’s in the realm of fitness, nutrition, business or relationships.

Let me know if you have any questions and I can’t wait to see you in April!
