LAST CHANCE - Join the TTE at 50% off (+ exactly what you'll learn)

Published: Fri, 01/26/18

Hey !

Aaaaah, today is the LAST DAY to enroll in the 52-week Total Training Experience at 50% off. This is also the last time I am launching this program ever ;)

You can access the deal right here (cart closes at midnight tonight!)

The goal for the next 12 months is to go from someone who is confused and overwhelmed about nutrition, to someone who knows her body, understands her metabolism, considers her personal preferences and psychological sensitivities and FINALLY achieves long-term results.

In other words, how to “eat healthy forever.”

But do that in a way that minimizes mental obsession and maximizes physique results.

It’s not impossible, even though sometimes it feels that way. BUT I can guarantee it’s impossible if you try to cut corners, jumping from plan to plan, diet to diet, cleanse to detox—spinning your wheels for months, years, DECADES.

The goal is to buckle down for a year in order to reap the long-term benefits. I guess not a novel concept—delayed gratification—but certainly not a sexy one.

But we’ve done the fast fixes and restrictive stuff, and those short-term shortcuts don’t stick in the long run.

So I want to share the curriculum with you so you know exactly what you are getting into. It might be for you, it might not. Totally fine either way, but we’re going to go deep with this stuff.

Here you go, the TTE curriculum I’ll be teaching for the next 12 months:
  • Designing Your Daily Nutritional Commitments (DNCs)
  • Identifying Your Nutrition Triggers
  • Hunger and the 3:1:1 Method
  • Troubleshooting Hunger in Real Time
  • Understanding Your Carbohydrate Tipping Point
  • Preventing Cravings and Handling Cravings in Real Time (6 weeks! Ha!)
  • Mindfulness and Surfing the Urge
  • Ongoing Overindulgence Troubleshooting
  • Trusting Yourself and Trusting the Process
  • Mindset Tools – 8 modules!
  • Mastering Willpower
  • Strategies for Attainment versus Maintenance
  • Your Personal Nutrition Hierarchy (PNH)
  • How to Match Your Eating to Your Training
  • Managing Fatigue and Recovery
  • Overcoming the Comparison Trap
  • Understanding Weight Gain and Getting Clinical
  • Owning Your Food Choices
  • Abundance versus Scarcity Mindset
  • When Food Is *Too* Fun
  • Honoring the Ebbs and Flows
  • When Moderation Becomes Stressful
  • Thoughts on “Eating Freely”
  • Takeaways and Roundups
This is in addition to the DOZENS of educational videos, webinars and (90+ workouts) stored on the TTE membership site.

But don’t worry about being overwhelmed—I walk you through the entire process in bite-sized chunks so that you can actually implement.

So many of us know WHAT to do, but we struggle with doing those things consistently, whether that’s exercising regularly, eating healthy 365 days of the year or getting our mindset on board for success.

Information doesn’t necessarily equal implementation. And we know that it’s only when we implement regularly (not necessarily perfectly!) that we get the results.

It’s time you took a year to get it right, for the final time.

This is the last few hours for enrollment into the program. Goes away at midnight. Join the hundreds of women already off and running, and let’s do this!

Let me know if you have any questions.
