How to make a big leap in your life

Published: Tue, 02/13/18


Us humans are funny.

We’ll choose a familiar misery over an uncertain future—one that could potentially be filled with amazing adventures, experiences that level us up and unlimited happiness. Because we fear the prospect of loss 10x more than we feel the potential for gain.

And so, we often stay in situations that are mediocre, where we continue to complain but never take steps to change, and we choose comfort and control over exposure and self-trust.

Like Tim Ferriss says, “People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.”

It’s understandable. Unfamiliar is scary. New is unknown.

And most of all, we don’t always believe in our own ability to handle any potential struggle or barrier. I get that.

But I hear from hundreds of women constantly who say they want to do something different, something bigger, something scary, but they just don’t know how or can’t seem to get over their fears and discomfort.

We want bigger or different, but we often want comfort more.

Unfortunately the only way to have both certainty AND a larger-than-life life is to … get used to stretching yourself so that what was once really scary becomes easier to recognize.

The outcomes are always different, but the feeling of stretching yourself starts to get more familiar. You can go, “Here it is again! I recognize this fear, it’s familiar. And I know what to do, even though it won’t be easy."

It’s never super comfy but you start to accumulate wins and a show of evidence that you can do hard things, and that you can trust yourself.

In my experience, no matter how still we stand or how much we try to control and check off all the boxes of “safe,” life has a way of handing us some stuff to deal with—it forces our hand even if we don’t seek it out.

So the question becomes, how uncertain and uncomfortable are you willing to become to EARN that unwavering confidence in yourself?

The opposite of control is trust, and when you trust yourself 100% to tackle whatever life throws at you, well, that, to me, is the ultimate in control.

What do you think?

Hope you are having a great (and somewhat uncomfy) week so far ;)


P.S. A few opportunities for you to SAY YES to that scary thing, ready?

1) I am hosting a live event in Los Angeles, CA April 6-7th, along with 11 other fitness and health pros, called ELEVATE ’18. We’ll be discussing everything from fitness and nutrition, to mindfulness, food obsession and body confidence. I have 12 spots left, and I’d love to see your smiling face there! GET THE DETAILS HERE. The Early Bird discount goes away February 28th

2) If you are not listening to The Best Life Podcast, I would love you to give it a go! In fact, Danny-J and I just released an eposide entitled, “How to Take Action When You Are Scared or Don’t Know What To Do,” sooooo it ties right into today’s message. If you are stuck, this one is for you. We outline a bazillion tools and strategies in the episode, but at the end of the day it comes down to you learning to trust YOU! Lots of goodness in there on how to do just that.

I hope you listen.

And I hope you’ll join us in April!

Let me know if you have any questions! xo