We’ve all seen those inspirational quotes and memes that are like, “Everything amazing happens outside of your comfort zone!” and others like it.
And though those usually garner a cheap “Like” on social media, as a marketer they always get me to thinking: why would someone care about getting out of their comfort zone?
Like, why is getting uncomfortable important or recommended? Why should we want to?
Besides, comfort is … niiiiiiice. It’s easy. It’s safe. It’s certain.
And thus, by definition, our comfort zone is designed to be convincing—the very nature of trying to get out of it goes against our natural desires for certainty and security. We just don’t wanna.
And so, why should we bother?
A Case for Discomfort:
I look at taking scary action like prep work for life. It’s the thing that prepares us for the most challenging moments, the ones that will just be inevitable. Life is amazing, but it’s also rife with struggle, pain and WTF moments, no matter
how still we try to stand.
And voluntarily challenging ourselves beforehand allows for us to grow an impenetrable resiliency and self-trust that nothing but sheer action in the face of
fear can generate.
In the book, ‘The Obstacle is the Way,’ author Ryan Holiday says that choosing the tougher path is a kind of preemptive fortification. Moving toward the pain,
toward the discomfort, toward the uncertainty is the way we build things like levelheadedness, calmness under pressure, resilience, courage and mental strength.
Because just when you think you
have things figured out, life always seems to have another plan for you.
Now I just see change as inevitable.
And I know that the more I step into discomfort, not only am I making myself more prepared to handle whatever life throws at me, but I am able to realize an even bigger reality.
Because here’s something I know:
The most successful people are constantly saying yes to things that are scary and a little outside their comfort zone.
step at a time, one decision at a time, you stretch yourself, you see you can handle it even if it’s a little messy, and you progress.
It hardly ever happens in leaps and bounds, it happens in small decisions made daily to stretch yourself when the opportunities arise, despite your uncertainty or
Make no mistake, it NEVER feels easy or safe per se, but you come to recognize the feeling. It’s scary and puts you on the hook a little more than what’s comfy, and requires you do things you’re not used to
Whenever I’m confronted with a choice that challenges my comfort, I do 2 things:
1) I ask, what would someone who’s at the level I want to get to do in this situation?
I try to make the decisions of those who have the life/success/impact/achievement I desire. Like, what would Oprah do? Ha! I act “as if” I am already there. I don’t wait until things are safe, secure and certain because I know if I keep waiting for “the right time,” I’ll be waiting forever. I literally make decisions based on the future version of myself I’m trying to create.
2) 95% of the time I say yes without thinking too long, overthinking it or letting my anxiety grow.
I say yes and then run away and hide😂😂 ... but with that “yes” I’m now on the hook to figure it out and double-down on
myself, thus building confidence and competency.
The results are never perfect, but I’ll take imperfect action over perfect paralysis every time.
How about you?
Are you thinking about taking a leap into the unknown?
How will you respond? What
will you choose?
Will you continue to do what you’ve always done, or will you expand and put yourself in a position to be scared, feel uncertain and maybe not know what the exact outcome will
The latter choice will always fortify.
And I can guarantee you this: you will be just fine. I promise. You will survive and be better off for it.
P.S. If you are ready to make moves and are sick of talking, talking, TALKING and not doing, I just launched a brand new FREE 5-day challenge called #ActionAcademy Accelerated. It’s for fitness pros or enthusiasts who want to learn more about online business, social media and more. If you are tired of sitting on the sidelines watching other people chase their dreams and you are ready to take steps towards making yours a reality, too, join us HERE. I’m
excited to working with you!