Kim has been in the fitness industry for years as a trainer and instructor, and has obviously been in her clients’ shoes, understanding their frustrations,
sometimes neuroses and yes, battle with the scale.
When she enrolled in Best of You in 2016, she was like most trainers that enter the program: exhausted working 60+ hours at the gym, but ready for the next step.
The biggest difference was
Kim’s willingness to work, and her unrelenting desire to share her story with thousands outside her local town. She also wanted to open up her schedule to spend time with her new husband and puppy, Stella, and do work that gave her greater meaning.
Kim poured through the content, never missed a coaching call with me, started her online brand despite still grinding at the gym and teaching classes. She’d often post on social media late at night, or wake up even earlier to write emails and blogs.
Six months into Best of You, she launched her first online course, a fitness membership site, and enrolled about 20 women from all over the country. Charging them around $25/mth.
She told me her goal was to grow it to 100 members within one year, and increase the price.
Well, Kim had her work cut out for her (continuity memberships are often a harder sell because they are open-ended financial commitments, so you REALLY have to build a lot of trust with people first).
And went to work she did.
Within a year, her membership had grown to over 100 clients paying between $25-$50/mth and in
2017, she quit all her personal training and brought home $40k from internet business.
She’s since launched several other online programs and taken on a full load of 1:1 distance clients at a high
ticket investment. She's speaking at more events, and hosting her own retreats.
And this year, she’s on target to bring home $100k with her online business.
It took Kim 2 years of working her tail off but within that time, she completely changed her day-to-day reality. She built a trust brand where people from all over the world can work with her and benefit from the
valuable experience and expertise that Kim shares online.
Here’s the thing I want you to get:
Yes, Kim was a talented PT, which was why her clients hated to see her go. But she wasn’t a PhD or an MD or a crazy science person or “instafamous” or a competitor or special in any of the ways we might think you have to be in order to be successful.
Kim’s recipe for success:
- Ability to be vulnerable with her story
- Willingness to be consistent and show up
- Tenacity
- Resiliency
- Ability to take lots of uncomfortable action
- Work ethic
- Investment in herself and in changing her outcomes
Kim invested in Best of You in 2016.
She invested in my business mastermind in 2017.
She re-upped in the mastermind this year.
She is one of my dearest friends, and someone I consider a peer in the industry.
We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve brainstormed, we vented, we’ve created some amazing things.
Her willingness to double down on her, and continue to show up to her business and to her audience—when even, at the beginning, she didn’t have an audience!
I admire this woman so much, and I hope you connect with her HERE and I’d love for you to reach out to her and ask her about her experience. If you have questions about BOY, ask her, she’ll be honest AF (something you’ll come to know about her, ha!).
You can check out Kim’s full story about her experience in Best of You on THIS
And if you are like Kim, hungry for something else, and wanting to quit the grind within a year or two, and you are ready … then join Best of You.
The 12-month business course for health/fitness pros and coaches is open now through Tuesday May 22nd only.
You can enroll here.
If you are waiting for “the right time,” I guarantee you’re going to be waiting forever.
“Life” will always happen, and your online coaching business won’t wait for the time to be right. It will reward those who are resourceful, action-oriented and willing to put in the work sooner rather than later.
What are you waiting for?