Hi !
Hope you had a great week, and are settling in for some downtime with your friends and family this
A short one for you today!
I’m excited because the JillFit Ambassadors are descending on Venice Beach, here in LA and we are going to be spending time working on our businesses, connecting IRL and we’re even hosting a meetup locally tonight, if you are in the LA area, we’d love to see you—check the details here.
If you have not met the JillFit Ambassador crew yet, be sure to connect with them HERE.
They all have amazing brands and offer tons of ongoing value and great free content on everything fitness, nutrition and mindset. I’ve been working with
each of them for a year or longer, and I trust 100% the content and value they provide.
Next up, I’ve attached a brand new workout to this email for you.
It’s one of the workouts I’ve been incorporating into my training lately, whenever I don’t have a lot of time or don’t have access to a full gym of equipment. It’s only 24 minutes, but you will feel the
You’ll need a set of dumbbells (moderate to heavy) and a timer on your phone.
The workout is a sample from #PhysiqueFinishers, which is a new fitness program I’ll be launching in 2019.
Enjoy, and I'd love to get any/all feedback you have for me!
Happy weekend
P.S. Speaking of workouts, my good friend and fellow fitness pro, Chrissy King, juuuust launched a brand new barbell-based
program called #BarbellBadass, to help women who want to build muscle, get stronger and do it all with barbell training.
#BarbellBadass is 9 weeks of training on power lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench press and overhead press, but also contains circuits
and finishers, all done in 45 minutes or less.
If you don’t know Chrissy, she is one of my favorite trainers because her story from just wanting to be "skinny" to embracing weight training and finding a renewed self-confidence (she was even ranked in the top 25 powerlifters in the US in her weight class!) through strength is
something I think so many of us can relate to.
Here's a snapshot: