Hey ,
A friend of mine recently turned me on to a
fitness “influencer” who had undergone his own physical transformation — going from 300 lbs (twice) down to 180 lbs and is now running ultramarathons.
My friend is an athlete, always in great
shape, in his early 30s and he resonates strongly with this influencer’s brand of hardcore motivation (#NoExcuses #GoHardOrGoHome #ZeroFucksGiven, etc).
So when I mentioned my nutrition
philosophy, #Moderation365, my friend said, “Well so-and-so says, ‘Moderation is for cowards.’”
Ha! I loved this!
It felt like one of those moments when someone is so adamant about something, and you know they’re wrong, so you bet them $20, knowing
you’re gonna be 20 bones richer in a matter of Google minutes. Lolol.
As a content creator and long-time fitness coach, I’ve worked with tens of thousands of women, all walks of life. And over
the course of my 20-year career, I’ve seen more people struggle with yo-yo dieting and all-or-nothing thinking around food, than anything else.
So today, I have some things to say about
moderation, and why, not only is it not cowardly, but in a society mired in fast fixes and instant gratification, it’s one of the most courageous approaches one can try.
So I
wrote a whole counter-argument post, right here.
Today’s email is a short one, so if you wanna read the whole post, check it out here.
Aaaaand if you’re still
doing the all-or-nothing thing when it comes to eating, just know that you are not alone. I did that for the first 30 years of my life, and it’s only been in the last 7 years that I’ve been able to eat moderately—never stuffed and never deprived.
And I speak to women weekly who are struggling to break the all-or-nothing mentality. It’s so common, and there’s no need to feel shame about it.
But if you are here and you are open, trust that you are on your way.
Making the switch to a happier and more at-peace relationship with food is possible
(and you won’t gain that 50 lbs you’re terrified you will, I promise!).
If you’d like more nutrition content and to learn how to begin, HERE is my entire collection of nutrition articles. Bookmark for a rainy day or just read one a day and you’ll be on your way.
Contrary to popular belief, eating is not something you slot yourself in to, and are just good to go. It’s a practice. And moderation is no different. It’s a way of eating created specifically for you, designed by you. Which, by nature will take time!
Be gentle with yourself, and immerse yourself in learning and practicing.
That’s it.
As always, I love to hear how you’re doing, and what you need from me. Feel free to send me a quick response back with an update, I always answer every message!
P.S. The “Moderation is for Cowards” post is right here. If you like it, I’d love for you to share it on social. Please and thank you. Xo