Hey there !
It’s been a while.
In truth, I am enjoying a little summer reset, spending time with friends, hitting the beach and not really feeling super creative at the moment.
So what better topic to share with you today than something I know so many of us struggle with (and it can be a huge source of shame!), and that is …
Whenever we start out in any new endeavor, whether it’s a new exercise routine or eating regimen, or even joining a new group or starting a business—the time at which we begin is usually when we are fired up the most. So it feels easy!
So when that motivation or passion starts to wane we often struggle to continue.
It’s actually even been shown in research that people are more excited about a new diet BEFORE they start it, than when they actually start doing it. Lolol.
Funny to think about, but kinda makes sense, right?
We like the idea of the outcomes (lean, fit, healthy, rich, free, happy,
whatever) but often don’t have the fortitude to stay the course and actually DO THE DAILY GRIND it takes to make the outcomes a reality.
Motivation ebbs and we give
Or, “life” happens and we stop taking action.
We get discouraged and decide it’s all too hard to pick back up so we might as well just sit this one out and surely they’ll be something easier/better in the future, right?
Unfortunately in my experience, there isn’t.
There are only the outcomes you achieve after deciding where you are willing to stick it out.
IS: you’re not going to be blazing with passion every second. And that’s normal.
A question I get from my business coaching clients all the time: “Have you ever experienced a
time when you just feel brain dead? Is it normal to just not feel like creating?”
I’ll never forget the first big period of lack of creativity I had back in 2013. JillFit was 3 years old and for a couple months, I literally felt like I had not one new or interesting thought in my brain.
And I was terrified. Did all my ideas dry up? Was I tapped out? Was there nothing new or interesting to share?? Faaack.
My content was how I made money! My programs and services helped people get healthier, and most importantly, creating was how I felt a sense of engagement in the world.
What would I do without it??
So what I did was just ... honor it.
I felt it all, talked about it with my support team, cried a little ha!, and ultimately just waited it out in
I did what I could content-wise, repurposing old stuff, even cutting and pasting old blogs and emails into social posts, posting a little less, skating a bit.
And eventually, it passed. And I started feeling inspired and pumped again.
That experience was invaluable to me, as it presented a show of evidence that it does pass. And instead of kicking and screaming and trying to force everything
and judging myself constantly for it, I could just surrender and stay aware. And eventually it’d come back.
Since then I’ve had a few more, and it always passes.
You’re ALWAYS going to have seasons in your business, in your relationships, or in your health & fitness.
Sometimes it’s summer and the ideas are flowing, and yes, you’re blazing with passion. And other times, it’s winter and you just don’t wanna.
Often when we jump into the big pursuits, we’re experiencing a time of heightened passion and inspiration. So losing that can feel disconcerting.
But ebbs don’t mean you aren’t meant to be doing it. Or that if you’re not 100% pumped, you should give up. It just means you need a reset.
In my experience, it’s those who endure the low points and honor them who end up with the most success and the most to show for their grit in the end.
Don’t let a lil’ winter mean you’re no good or something’s wrong. Be gentle with yourself, and I promise it will pass.
I’m wishing you an inspired week! But hey, if it’s not, that’s cool too ;)
Let me know what’s good!
P.S. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING AN EBB IN YOUR FITNESS (speaking of motivation), coming up in July I am going to be looking for a handful of qualified people to try out someone new workouts for me, 100% free, and give feedback.
Get the first week of July on your mental calendar, I’ll be reaching out soon asking for volunteers! Could be a great way to spice up your summer training …
think fast, effective and easy to squeeze in on a busy day. More to come, stay tuned! xo